Bartlett, Jarvis Henry John H. Dillingham, 1839-1910, Teacher, Minister in the Society of Friends, Editor
Begg, Alexander 1839-1897 The Great Canadian North West: Its Past History, Present Condition, and Glorious Prospects
Alexander H. Masters' Wonderful Art-chive book from an Autistic Artist: Through his times in college and present
Wharton, William H. 1802-1839 Texas. Address of The Honorable Wm. H. Wharton, Delivered in New York on Tuesday, April 26, 1836. Also, Address of The Honorable Stephen F. Austin, ... With Other Documents Explanatory of The
Richards, George H Memoir of Alexander Macomb, the Major General Commanding the Army of the United States
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton 1812-1883 Recollections of Alexander H. Stephens: His Diary Kept When a Prisoner at Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, 1865, Giving Incidents and Reflections of His Prison Life and Some Letters and Reminiscences
Butterworth, Hezekiah 1839-1905 Zigzag Journeys in the Occident: the Atlantic to the Pacific, a Summer Trip of the Zigzag Club From Boston to the Golden Gate
The Zoology of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus & Terror, Under the Command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, During the Years 1839 to 1843. By ... Commissioners of the Admiralty; Volume 1
The Zoology Of The Voyage Of H.m.s. Erebus & Terror: Under The Command Of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, During The Years 1839 To 1843
Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Heinrich Christian Schumacher: Zum 200. Geburtstag von H. C. Schumacher: 6
Japp, Alexander Hay Thomas De Quincey: His Life and Writings, With Unpublished Correspondence, by H.a. Page
Smith, H P. 1839-1925 History of Essex County: With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent men and Pioneers
Thayer, Alexander Wheelock Ludwig Van Beethovens Lebens: Aufl. Rev. Von H. Riemann; V. 2-3: 2. Aufl. Bearb. Und Ergänzt Von H. Riemann; V. 4: [Bearb. Und Ergänzt] Von H. Riemann; V. 5: Hrsg. Von H. Riemann
Japp, Alexander H 1839-1905 Successful Business-men: Short Accounts of the Rise of Famous Firms, With Sketches of the Founders ..
Bell, Alexander Melville 1819-1905 Elocutionary Manual": the Principles of Elocution, With Exercises and Notations
Goff, John H. The Saint Marys Falls Canal: Exercises at the Semi-Centennial Celebration at Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, August 2 and 3, 1905, Together With a ... Goff, and Papers Relating to the Great Lakes
Cheever, Noah W 1839-1905 The law and Practice of Probate Courts in the State of Michigan: Including the Entire Probate Statutes, Reprinted and Rearranged, With Notes Under ... in Connection With the Same: With a Complete
Hayward, F H. 1872- Three Historical Educators: Pestalozzi, Fröbel, Herbart. A Lecture Delivered at Torquay, February 17th, 1905
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton 1812-1883 Recollections of Alexander H. Stephens: His Diary Kept When a Prisoner at Fort Warren, Boston Harbour, 1865, Giving Incidents and Reflections of His Prison Life and Some Letters and Reminiscences
Elliott, Joseph Alexander 1852-1905 Padri Elliott of Faizabad [microform]: a Memorial (chiefly Autobiographical)
Heydenreich, Gustav H Kirchen- Und Schul-chronik Der Stadt Und Ephorie Weißenfels Seit 1839 ...: Mit 3 Steindrucktafeln