Wordsworth, John Portions of the Gospels According to St. Mark and St. Matthew from the Bobbio Ms. (K): Now Numbered G. Viii. 15 in the National Library at Turin; ... Libraries of St. Gall, Coire, Milan, and Be

Grover, John William Old Clapham: Based on a Lecture Delivered in the Year 1885 at the St. Matthew's Church Institution

Strype, John The Life and Acts of Matthew Parker: An Appendix to the Life and Acts of Archbishop Parker, Containing Various Transcripts of Original Letters, ... Papers and Manuscripts, for the Asserting Or

Allyn, John 1820- A Sketch of Matthew Allyn and His Descendants to 1884; Also, Selections of the Prose Publications of John Allyn and His Poetic Writings

Manly, John Matthews Piers the Plowman and its Sequence, Contributed to the Cambridge History of English Literature

Jones, John Matthew The Naturalist in Bermuda: A Sketch of the Geology, Zoology, and Botany of That Remarkable Group of Islands

Bouchier, Barton Manna in the House; Or, Daily Expositions of the Gospels. St. Matthew (St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, Acts of the Apostles)

Matthews, John The Divine Purpose: Displayed in the Works of Providence and Grace in a Series of Letters to an Inquiring Friend

The Gospels Of The Four Evangelists: St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, And St. John. Translated Into The Language Of The Chipewyan Indians Of North-west America...

Jones, John Matthew The Naturalist in Bermuda: A Sketch of the Geology, Zoology, and Botany of That Remarkable Group of Islands

Cerfaux, Lucien 1883-1968 The Four Gospels, an Historical Introduction: the Oral Tradition; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; the Apocryphal Gospels

Sumner, John Bird A Practical Exposition of the Gospel According to St. Matthew in the Form of Lectures: Intended to Assist the Practice of Domestic Instruction and Devotion

Iley, John Gideon Milligen Matthew The Life, Writings, Opinions, and Times of the Right Hon. George Gordon Noel Byron

Penney, Electa Ketcham 1855- Ketcham Family History; the Descendants of John Ketcham and His Wife Sarah Matthews of Mt. Hope Township (one Time Known as Deerpark, Later Calhoun, and Finally Mt. Hope) Orange County, N.Y