Hardee, William Joseph Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics: For the Exercise and Manoeuvres of Troops When Acting As Light Infantry Or Riflemen. Prepared Under the Direction of the War Department,; Volume 1
Cerneau, Joseph The Scottish Rite And The Cerneau Wrong: Grand Lodges And Supreme Councils Throughout The World Declare Cerneauism Illegitimate, Clandestine And ... The Right To Visit Subordinate Bodies
Helfert, Joseph Alexander Mittheilungen der K.K. Central-Commission zur Erforschung und Erhaltung der Kunst- und Historischen Denkmale. II. Jahrgang.
Tracy, Joseph The Great Awakening: A History of the Revival of Religion in the Time of Edwards and Whitefield
Harrop, Joseph Monograph On Flavoring Extracts With Essences, Syrups, and Colorings: Also, Formulas for Their Preparation
Pothier, Robert Joseph Pandectae Justinianeae, In Novum Ordinem Digestae: Cum Legibus Codicis Et Novellis, Quae Jus Pandectarum Confirmant, Explicant Aut Aborgant, Volume 24...
Cross, Joseph Journals of Several Expeditions Made in Western Australia During the Years 1829, 1830, 1831 and 1832: Under the Sanction of the Governor, Sir James Stirling
Hecker, David (Professor, Mathematics Department, Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, USA) Elementary Linear Algebra
Momigny, Jérôme-Joseph de Cours Complet D'harmonie Et De Composition: D'après Une Théorie Neuve Et Générale De La Musique, Basée Sur Des Principes Incontestables, ......
Addison, Joseph Volksbibliothek der Literatur des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts: Erster Theil (Addition's Beiträge zum Zuschauer und Plauderer)
D'Urban, Agricol Joseph François Fortia Description De La Chine Et Des États Tributaires De L'empereur; Volume 2
Amoreux, Pierre Joseph Notice Historique Et Bibliographique Sur La Vie Et Les Ouvrages De Laurent Joubert...
1828-1891, Duquet Joseph-Norbert Le véritable petit Albert; ou, Le trésor du peuple; suivi d'un recueil des merveilleux secrets de la nature, da la médicine, de l'industrie, des sciences, des arts, pensées et bons mots
Graves, Joseph Renewing the Joys of Teaching: How the Principles of Stoicism Can Return Fulfillment to the Classroom
Hassell, Joseph From Pole to Pole: A Handbook of Christian Missions, for the use of Ministers, Teachers, and Others
Banks, Joseph Letters On Iceland: Containing Observations On the Civil, Literary, Ecclesiastical, and Natural History; Antiquities, Volcanos, Basaltes, Hot Springs; ... Dress, Manners of the Inhabitants, &c. &c