Philips Scarsdale; Or, Life On the Lancashire and Yorkshire Border [By Sir J.P. Kay-Shuttleworth] Kay-Shuttleworth, James Ribblesdale, Or, Lancashire Sixty Years Ago Kay-Shuttleworth, Ughtred James First Principles of Modern Chemistry: A Manual of Inorganic Chemistry De Kay, James E Zoology of New York; or, The New York Fauna; Comprising Detailed Descriptions of all the Animals Hit Kay-Shuttleworth, Ughtred James First Principles of Modern Chemistry: A Manual of Inorganic Chemistry Kay-Shuttleworth, James Ribblesdale, Or, Lancashire Sixty Years Ago De Kay, James Ellsworth Sketches of Turkey in 1831 and 1832, by an American Sök bara efter: Kay-Shuttleworth, Ughtred James