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Jardine, John Maung Tet Pyo's Customary Law Of The Chin Tribe. Text, Tr. (by Maung Shwe Eik) And Notes (by E. Forchhammer) With A Preface By J. Jardine

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Fordun, John Johannis De Fordun Scotichronicon Genuinum, Una Cum Ejusdem Supplemento Ac Continuatione [of W. Bower] E Codicibus Mss. Eruit Ediditque T. Hearnius; Volume 1

Alba Silot, John Testimonianze di evangelici cubani in Oriente: Progressi e ostacoli sulla strada della rivoluzione

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Course, John E. Speech and Response (25): A Rhetorical Analysis of the Introductions to the Speeches of the Book of Job (Caps. 4-24)

McEnearney, John E An Investigation of Scientific Inventory Management Techniques Applicable to the Navy Exchange Program.

Matzke, John E Matzke Memorial Volume Containing two Unpublished Papers by John E Matzke and Contributions

Tyndall, John Leçons sur l'électricité, professées à l'Institution royale de la Grande-Bretagne. 2e édition

Perham, John L'attrito della scienza: Del soggetto post-umano, dell'abiezione e della rottura del dualismo mente/corpo
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Bingham, John A 1815-1900 Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassination of President Lincoln: Argument of John A. Bingham in Reply to the Arguments of the Several Counsel for Mary E. Surratt ... [et al.]

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Newman, John Henry 1801-1890 Hymni ecclesiæ: Excerpti e breviariis romano, sarisburiensi, eboracensi, et aliunde

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Pickett, Warren E John Piggott Sr. (1680?-1738) of Susquehannah Hundred in Cecil County Md.: Together With Some Account of the Browne and Clayton Families From Whom His Wife Margery Brown Piggott Descended

Land, John E Mobile, Her Trade, Commerce And Industries, 1883-4: Manufacturing Advantages, Business And Transportation Facilities, Together With Sketches Of The ... And Manufacturing Concerns In The "gulf City