Hunt, Paul (James Cook University Hospital Middlesbrough Cleveland UK) World Class Pricing: The Journey

Cobbett, James Paul A Latin Grammar for the Use of English Boys: Being an Explanation of the Rudiments of the Latin Language

Victor, Orville James The Life And Exploits Of John Paul Jones, Chevalier And Rear Admiral: Embracing A Full Account Of His Services In The American, French, And Russian Navies

Lumpkin, Joseph TWELVE BOOKS OF THE APOCALYPSE: Including The Apocalypse of Peter, Abraham, Elijah, Paul, Adam, 1st James, 2nd James, Thomas, the Apocryphon of John, Coptic Peter, Thunder: Perfect Mind, and Baruch

Frame, James Everett A Critical and Exegetical Commentary On the Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians; Volume 39

Victor, Orville James The Life And Exploits Of John Paul Jones, Chevalier And Rear Admiral: Embracing A Full Account Of His Services In The American, French, And Russian Navies

Young, James Kelly Handbook of Anatomy: Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, Including the Anatomy of the Viscera and Numerous Tables

Conant, H C Scriptural Expositions of the First Epistle of John, the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians and the Epistle of James

Goldschmidt, James Paul Das Verwaltungsstrafrecht: Eine Untersuchung Der Grenzgebiete Zwischen Strafrecht Und Verwaltungsrecht Auf Rechtsgeschichtlicher Und Rechtsvergleichender Grundlage

Young, James Bibliotheca Chemica: A Catalogue of the Alchemical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Books in the Collection of the Late James Young of Kelly and Durris. By John Ferguson: 1

Burnett, J F 1851-1929 Rev. James O'Kelly: A Champion of Religious Liberty Volume "Booklet Two" "Booklet Two