Harris, John Leonard Practical Wisdom: Learning Life's Lessons from the Simple but Profound Things We Hear Every Day
Scharf, John Thomas An Historical Address Delivered At The Unveiling Of The Monument Erected By The State Of Maryland To The Memory Of Leonard Calvert, The First Governor ... City, St. Mary's County, Md. June 3,1891
Jenyns, Leonard 1800-1893 Memoir of the Rev. John Stevens Henslow, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S., F.C.P.S.: Late Rector of Hitcham, and Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge
Knapp, John Matthew The Universities and the Social Problem: An Account of the University Settlements in East London
Lee, Leonard John Lee of Farmington, Hartford Co., Conn. and His Descendants: Containing Corrections Changes Births ... 1634-1900
Collins, George Knapp Descendants of John Collins, of Charlestown, R.I.: And Susannah Daggett, his Wife
Herkless, John The College of St. Leonard: Being Documents With Translations and Historical Introductions
Martin, Leonard Cyril Works: Silex Scintillans. Hermetical Physick. Thalia Redivava. Translations. Pious Thoughts And Ejaculations. Translations in Dr. Thomas Poell's ... Ii. Vaughan's Letters to John Aubrey And
Collins, George Knapp Descendants of John Collins, of Charlestown, R.I.: And Susannah Daggett, his Wife
Leonard, John W The Book of Chicagoans: A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Living Men of the City of Chicago
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Riddell, John Leonard A Monograph Of The Silver Dollar: Good And Bad. Illustrated With Facsimile Figures ... Including The Genuine, The Low Standard, And The Counterfeit: Giving Their Weight, Quality And Exact Value
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von Harnack, John Owen Leonard Aberc... Sources of the Apostolic Canons: With a Treatise on the Origin of the Readership and Other Lower Ord