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Daly, [Tim] [from old catalog] Daly's Bartenders' Encyclopedia. A Complete Catalogue of the Latest and Most Popular Drinks
Hecklinger, Charles [from old catalog] The "Keystone" Jacket and Dress Cutter. A Treatise on Jackets, Dresses and Other Garments for Women
Dearborn, R F. [from old catalog] Saratoga, and how to see It: Containing a Full Account of its Celebrated Springs, Mammoth Hotels, Health Institutions, Beautiful Drives and Walks, Various Objects of Interest and Amusement ..
Colbrunn, Eduard [From Old Catalog] Der Weinbau in Amerika, Nebst Praktischer Anweisung für Weinbauer
Bayne, J Reid. [from old catalog] Bayne's Self-instruction Book for Dress Cutting by the French Glove-fitting Tailor System
[Allen, GN] [from old catalog] Mexican Treacheries and Cruelties. Incidents and Sufferings in the Mexican war; With Accounts of Hardships Endured; Treacheries of the Mexicans; ... Valiant Soldiers Fallen, and the Particulars
Ferson, Earl B. [from old catalog] The Tower Clock and how to Make it; a Practical and Theoretical Treatise on the Construction of a Chiming Tower Clock, With Full Working Drawings Photographed to Scale
[Tuckerman, Edward G.] [from old cata... Summer in the Palisades. A Description of the Northern Railroad of New Jersey and the Palisades
Chapman, Silas [from old catalog] The Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis., With a map of the Grounds
Pelham, Mass [from old catalog] Vital Records of Pelham, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 ..; Volume 1
catalog], Larkin co. [from old Larkin Housewives' Cook Book; Good Things to eat and how to Prepare Them
Lindsay, Robert [from old catalog] Reminiscences of the Cruise of the United States Flag Ship Lancaster
catalog], Cherokee nation. [from old Protest of the Cherokee Nation Against the Passage of House Bill <6309>: "To Provide Further Security to Persons and Property in the Indian Territory and for Other Purposes.
Conderman, George [from old catalog] Complete Guide for Conidtioning, Heeling, and Handling the Game Cock for the Pit
Meyer, Evelyn M. [from old catalog] Mt. Tamalpais the Sublime; Being a Little Book About a Great Subject
Titus, W[illiam] P. [from old catalog] Picturesque Clarksville, Past and Present. A History of the City of the Hills