Free Public Education in Nature and Art, Combined in Original Central Park and Museum Plans, 1857-1871, of Andrew H. Green, Frederick Law Olmsted, Calvert Vaux
Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel A Canyon Voyage: The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition Down the Green-Colorado River From Wyoming, and the Explorations On Land, in the Years 1871 and 1872
Begbie, Harold 1871-1929 Twice-born Men: A Clinic in Regeneration : a Footnote in Narrative to Pofessor William James's "The Varieties of Religious Experience
Howland, Frederick Hoppin 1871-1916 The Chase of De Wet and Other Later Phases of the Boer War as Seen by an American Correspondent
Tupper, Frederick 1871-1950 The Riddles of the Exeter Book. Edited With Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by Frederick Tupper