Kriegsarchiv, Austrian-Hungarian Mona... Feldzüge Des Prinzen Eugen Von Savoyen: Nach Den Feldacten Und Anderen Authentischen Quellen...

Richberg, John Carl An International Extradition Case: Extradition Of Jacques Licco Adutt, A Fugitive From Justice Of Austro-hungarian Government Charged With The Crime Of Forgery
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De Worms, Henry The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Policy of Count Beust: A Political Sketch of Men and Events From 1866 to 1870, by an Englishman [H. De Worms]

Tahir Mahmutefendic Economic Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina during Austro-Hungarian Period: Comparative Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators

Kriegsarchiv, Austrian-Hungarian Mona Feldzüge Des Prinzen Eugen Von Savoyen: Spanischer Successions-krieg: Feldzug 1703, V Band