Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney The Heart of the Empire: Discussions of Problems of Modern City Life in England. With an Essay On Imperialism
Millspaugh, Charles Frederick American Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated and Descriptive Guide to the American Plants Used as Homopathic Remedies : Their History, Preparation, Chemistry, and Physiological Effects. Volume; Volume 2
Holder, Charles Frederick The Quakers in Great Britain and America; the Religious and Political History of the Society of Friends From the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
Woodhouse, Frederick Charles The Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages: The Hospitallers, The Templars, The Teutonic Knigh
Holder, Charles Frederick The Log of a Sea Angler: Sport and Adventures in Many Seas With Spear and Rod
Higham, Charles Frederick The Story of Royal Worcester China and Some Notes on a Visit to the Ancient City of Worcester
Danvers, Frederick Charles 1833-1906 Report to the Secretary of State for India in Council on the Portuguese Records Relating to the East Indies, Contained in the Archivo Da Torre Do Tombo, and the Public Libraries at Lisbon and Evora
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin Portraits of the Eighteenth Century: Prévost. Mme. De Lambert. Mme. Necker. Diderot. Rousseau. Grimm. Mme. D'épinay. Buffon. Saint-Pierre. Frederick ... Beaumarchais. Necker. Marie-Antoinette
Holder, Charles Frederick The Quakers in Great Britain and America; the Religious and Political History of the Society of Friends From the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
Partington, Charles Frederick The Ship-Builders' Complete Guide: Comprehending the Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture, With Its Modern Improvements
Partington, Charles Frederick The Builder's Complete Guide: Comprehending the Theory and Practice of the Various Branches of Architecture, Bricklaying, Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery, Painting, Plumbing, Etc. Etc
Danvers, Frederick Charles 1833-1906 Letters Received by the East India Company From Its Servants in the East; Volume 2
Denison, Frederick Charles Historical Record of the Governor-General's Body Guard, and Its Standing Orders
Higham, Charles Frederick The Story of Royal Worcester China and Some Notes on a Visit to the Ancient City of Worcester
Houghton, Charles Frederick Study of Informal Leadership of Small Military Units in Specific Situations
Holder, Charles Frederick An Isle of Summer, Santa Catalina: Its History, Climate, Sports and Antiquities
Maunder, Charles Frederick Surgery of the Arteries. Lettsomian Lectures of the Medical Society of London, 1875
Gookin, Frederick William 1853- Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Paintings, Sculptures and Jade Objects From the Collection Formed by Charles Lang Freer and Given by ... November 15 to December 8, 1917; c.
F. C. (Frederick Charles), Denison Historical Record of the Governor General's Body Guard: And Its Standing Orders
Danvers, Frederick Charles 1833-1906 Report to the Secretary of State for India in Council on the Portuguese Records Relating to the East Indies, Contained in the Archivo Da Torre Do Tombo, and the Public Libraries at Lisbon and Evora
Glass, Frederick Charles A Thousand Miles in a Dug-out; Being the Narrative of a Journey of Investigation Among the Red-skin Indians of Central Brazil
C. F. (Charles Frederick), Henningsen Letter From General C.F. Henningsen, in Reply to the Letter of Victor Hugo on the Harper's Ferry Inv
Briggs, Charles Frederick Asmodeus; or, The Iniquities of New York: Being a Complete Expose of the Crimes, Doings and Vices As
Rideal, Charles Frederick Charles Dickens' Heroines and Womenfolk: Some Thoughts Concerning Them: A Lecture
Frederick Alexander Shadwell, Charles Notes on the Management of Chronometers and the Measurement of Meridian Distances
Millspaugh, Charles Frederick Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated And Descriptive Guide To Plants Indigenous To And Naturalized In The United States Which Are Used In Medicine, Their ... And Physiological Effects Fully Described,