Stone, Harlan Fiske 1872-1946 The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington
Stone, Harlan Fiske 1872-1946 The Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington
Lake, Kirsopp 1872-1946 The Apostolic Fathers, Volume 2: The Sheperd of Hermas. The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The Epistle to Diognetus
Lake, Kirsopp 1872-1946 The Apostolic Fathers, Volume 2: The Sheperd of Hermas. The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The Epistle to Diognetus
Lake, Kirsopp The Apostolic Fathers: I. Clement. Ii. Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. Didache. Barnabas
Lake, Kirsopp The Apostolic Fathers: I. Clement. Ii. Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. Didache. Barnabas
Sprague, Jesse Rainsford 1872-1946 The Romance of Credit
Sprague, Jesse Rainsford 1872-1946 The Romance of Credit
Calvert, Albert Frederick 1872-1946 Royal Palaces of Spain; a Historical and Descriptive Account of the Seven Principal Palaces of the Spanish Kings, With 164 Illustrations
Calvert, Albert Frederick 1872-1946 Royal Palaces of Spain; a Historical and Descriptive Account of the Seven Principal Palaces of the Spanish Kings, With 164 Illustrations
Lake, Kirsopp The Beginnings of Christianity: Part I, the Acts of the Apostles
Lake, Kirsopp The Beginnings of Christianity: Part I, the Acts of the Apostles
Ringrose, Hyacinthe 1872-1946 The Inns of Court: An Historical Description of the Inns of Court and Chancery of England
Ringrose, Hyacinthe 1872-1946 The Inns of Court: An Historical Description of the Inns of Court and Chancery of England
Lake, Kirsopp The Stewardship of Faith Our Heritage From Early Christianity
Lake, Kirsopp The Stewardship of Faith Our Heritage From Early Christianity
Lake, Kirsopp 1872-1946 The Apostolic Fathers; Volume 2
Lake, Kirsopp 1872-1946 The Apostolic Fathers; Volume 2
Lake, Kirsopp 1872-1946