Laplace, Cyrille Pierre T. Campagne De Circumnavigation De La Frégate L'artémise, Pendant Les Années 1837, 1838, 1839 Et 1840

Laplace, Pierre Simon Methods of Computing the Orbit of a Comet Or Planet: Appendix to the Third Volume of the Translation of the Méchanique Céleste

Laplace, Pierre Simon Methods of Computing the Orbit of a Comet Or Planet: Appendix to the Third Volume of the Translation of the Méchanique Céleste

Ballanche, Pierre Simon Oeuvres De M. Ballanche: Le Viellard Et Le Jeune Homme. Camille Jordan. L'homme Sans Nom

Laplace, Pierre Simon Mécanique Céleste: 8Th Book. Theory of the Satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. 9Th Book. Theory of Comets. 10Th Book. On Several Subjects ... On Capillary Attraction. Supplement to...