Larson, Laurence Marcellus A Financial and Administrative History of Milwaukee Larson, Laurence Marcellus 1868-1938 The Log Book of a Young Immigrant 1868-1938, Jammes Francis Mémoires Joachim, Harold Henry 1868-1938 Spinoza's Tractatus De Intellectus Emendatione: a Commentary 1868-1938, Jammes Francis Pensée Des Jardins Klauber, Laurence Monroe 1883-1968 Laurence M. Klauber Field Notes 1938 Trumbauer, Horace 1868-1938 Executors' Public Sale: the Architectural Library of the Late Horace Trumbauer, Thursday, February 2, 1939 ... in Our Book Salesroom .. Hale, George Ellery 1868-1938 The Rumford Spectroheliograph of the Yerkes Observatory Larson, Laurence Marcellus 1868-1938 The Changing West, and Other Essays 1868-1938, Jammes Francis Oeuvres de Francis Jammes; Volume 3 1868-1938, Jammes Francis Pensée Des Jardins 1868-1938, Jammes Francis Un Jour Sök bara efter: Larson, Laurence Marcellus 1868-1938