Quin, Michael Joseph A Visit to Spain: Detailing the Transactions Which Occurred During a Residence in That Country, in the Latter Part of 1822, and the First Four Months ... to Seville and General Notices of the M

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Roberts, Elder B H Successsion in the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,

Autobiography of Elder R.C. Evans, One of the First Presidency of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Littlefield, Lyman Omer Reminiscences Of Latter-day Saints: Giving An Account Of Much Individual Suffering For Religious Conscience

Liddell, Adolphus George Charles Notes From the Life of an Ordinary Mortal: Being a Record of Things Done, Seen and Heard at School, College, and in the World During the Latter Half of the 19Th Century

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