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Haselhorst, Tom-Leonard Andrew Johnsons Präsidentschaft und deren Auswirkung auf die Emanzipationsfrage während der Presidential Reconstruction: Am Beispiel der Veto Message gegen die Civil Rights Bill vom März 1866

Byrne, Gary J. Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate

Brown, Frederick J Short Talks On Taxes: With Special References to the Hayes Bill (Of 1892) Which Passed Both Houses of the Maryland Legislature and Was Vetoed by the Governor
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Pseud, O'Hara Family Tales by the O'Hara Family, Containing Crohoore of the Bill-Hook [By M. Banim] the Fetches [By J. Banim] and John Doe [By M. and J. Banim]. 2Nd Ser., ... Castle [By J. and M. Banim]. 3 Vols; Volume 2