Frost, William Henry The Wagner Story Book; Firelight Tales of the Great Music Dramas: in large print

Williams, Henry Smith Luther Burbank: His Methods and Discoveries and Their Practical Application; Volume 11

Flower, William Henry Recent Memoirs On The Cetacea By Professors Eschricht, Reinhardt, And Lilljeborg

Ferris, William Henry The African Abroad, Or, His Evolution In Western Civilization: Tracing His Development Under Caucasian Milieu; Volume 1

Bennett, William Henry The Book of Joshua: A New English Translation Printed in Colors Exhibiting the Composite Structure of the Book, With Explanatory Notes

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Williams, Henry Smith The Historians' History of the World; a Comprehensive Narrative of the Rise and Development of Nations as Recorded by Over two Thousand of the Great Writers of all Ages: 17

Warren, William Henry The Strength, Elasticity, and Other Properties of New South Wales Hardwood Timbers

Egle, William Henry Muster Rolls of the Navy and Line, Militia and Rangers, 1775-1783: With List of Pensioners, 1818-1832

Holmes, William Henry A Short History of the Union Jack, Comprising a Chronological List of its Important Victories, Apportioned to the Three Stages of our Flag's ... With Notes on the Principal Battles

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Williams, Henry T The Pacific Tourist: Adams & Bishop's Illustrated Trans-continental Guide of Travel, From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean ...: a Complete Traveler's ... the Union and Central Pacific Railroads ...

Furness, William Henry Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Folk-Lore in Borneo; A Sketch, With a Foreword by T. S. Wentworth

Milburn, William Henry The Lance, Cross and Canoe; the Flatboat, Rifle and Plough in the Valley of the Mississippi

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Emmens, Stephen Henry What We Hope to Hear From Sir William Crookes, F.R.S.: On the Occasion of His Presidential Address to the British Association for the Advancement of ... the British Association for the Advancement

Williams, Henry Smith Luther Burbank: His Methods and Discoveries and Their Practical Application; Volume 9

Fuller, Henry William On Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica: Their Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Comyns, William Henry Comyns' Handy Book of Exercises On a Series of Abstracts of Title to Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold Estates, and Personalty: With Observations and ... the Use of Law Students and Articled Clerks

Williams, Henry Smith The history of Spain and Portugal; In Two Volumes, From The historians' history of the world: Volume 2 in large print

Kerr, William Henry Farmers' Union And Federation Advocate And Guide: One Hundred Reasons Why Farmers Should Unionize To Adopt The Minimum Price System For All Farm ... Wages And Overhead Expenses, Enforced By

Freeman, Henry William The Thermal Baths of Bath: Their History, Literature, Medical and Surgical Uses and Effects, Together With the Aix Massage and Natural Vapour Treatment

Weale, William Henry James Notes Sur Jean Van Eyck: Réfutation Des Erreurs De M. L'abbé Carton Et Des Théories De M. Le Comte De Laborde Suivie De Nouveaux Documents Découverts Dans Les Archives De Bruges

Egle, William Henry Documents Relating to the Connecticut Settlement in the Wyoming Valley; Volume 18

Harvey, William Henry The Sea-side Book: Being an Introduction to the Natural History of the British Coasts