Royle, John Forbes Illustrations Of The Botany And Other Branches Of The Natural History Of The Himalayan Mountains (etc.)
Malcolm, John Sketches Of Persia, From The Journals Of A Traveller In The East: In Two Volumes; Volume 1
Bulloch, John Malcolm The Gordons of Cluny: From the Early Years of the Eighteenth Century Down to the Present Time
Forbes, John A Double Grammar, of English and Gaelic: In Which the Principles of Both Languages are Clearly Expla
Cassells, John MORD IST MEINE SCHWÄCHE EIN FALL FÜR SOLO MALCOLM: Der Krimi-Klassiker aus Schottland!
Anonymous The Life and Correspondence of Major-General Sir John Malcolm, G. C. B.: Late Envoy to Persia, and Governor of Bombay
Kaye, John William The Life and Correspondence of Major-General Sir John Malcolm, From Unpublished Letters and Journals
Bulloch, John Malcolm The Gordons of Cluny: From the Early Years of the Eighteenth Century Down to the Present Time
Cassells, John SOLO FÜR EINEN DETEKTIV EIN FALL FÜR SOLO MALCOLM: Der Krimi-Klassiker aus Schottland!
Canada's First City: Saint John; the Charter of 1785 and Common Council Proceedings Under Mayor G. G. Ludlow, 1785-1795
Cassells, John MORD IST MEINE SCHWÄCHE EIN FALL FÜR SOLO MALCOLM: Der Krimi-Klassiker aus Schottland!
Kaye, John William The Life and Correspondence of Major-General Sir John Malcolm, From Unpublished Letters and Journals
Forbes, John Douglas Imagination-Building: The Memoirs of John Douglas Forbes (1910 2018), First Professor of the Darden School of the University of Virginia
Pinkerton, John An Enquiry Into The History Of Scotland: Preceding The Reign Of Malcolm Iii, Or The Year 1056, Including The Authentic History Of That Period