Smiles, Samuel 1812-1904 Josiah Wedgwood, F.R.S.: His Personal History Smiles, Samuel 1812-1904 Life of a Scotch Naturalist: Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnaean Society Smiles, Samuel 1812-1904 James Brindley and the Early Engineers Smiles, Samuel 1812-1904 The Huguenots in France After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes: With Memoirs of Distinguished Huguenot Refugees and a Visit to the Country of the Vaudois Smiles, Samuel 1812-1904 Homes: How They Are Made Happy Lurie, Samuel Private Investment in a Controlled Economy: Germany, 1933-1939 Lurie, Samuel 1904- Private Investment in a Controlled Economy; Germany, 1933-1939 Sök bara efter: Lurie, Samuel 1904-