Müntz, Eugène Raphael: His Life, Works And Times Müntz, Eugène Leonardo Da Vinci: Artist, Thinker and Man of Science Müntz, Eugène 1845-1902 Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist, Thinker and Man of Science;; Volume 2 Müntz, Eugène 1845-1902 Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist, Thinker and Man of Science; 1 Müntz, Eugène Les Arts À La Cour Des Papes Innocent Viii, Alexander Vi, Pie III (1484-1503): Recueil De Documents Inédits Ou Peu Connus Rowland, Christopher Speaking of God in an Inhumane World, Volume 2: Essays on Müntzer, Winstanley, Blake, Stringfellow, and Radical Christianity