Hughes, Thomas Memoir of Daniel Macmillan Macmillan, Hugh The True Vine. Or, the Analogies of Our Lord's Allegory Hughes, Thomas Memoir of Daniel Macmillan MacMillan, Hugh The Ministry of Nature Macmillan, Hugh Gleanings in Holy Fields Hugh, Macmillan The Life-Work of George Frederick Watts, R. A Macmillan, Hugh Bible Teachings in Nature Macmillan, Hugh Our Lord's Great Miracles Macmillan, Hugh Max Gluckman: 6 Macmillan, Hugh Sermons for Harvest and Flower Festivals Macmillan, Hugh African Activists of the Twentieth Century: Hani, Maathai, Mpama/Palmer, Saro-Wiwa Macmillan, Hugh 1833-1903 The Clock of Nature Sök bara efter: MacMillan, Hugh