Osborne, Arthur Teachings of Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words Shukla, Maharshi Sintesi e studio antimicrobico di nuovi derivati del benzotiofene: Analisi strutturale ed effetti antimicrobici di derivati del 2-ammino-benzotiofene con gruppi aril-acetammidici Shree Raman Maharshi Tagore, Satyendranath The Autobiography of Maharshi Devendranath Tagore Shukla, Maharshi Synthèse et étude antimicrobienne de nouveaux dérivés du benzothiophène: Analyse structurale et effets antimicrobiens des dérivés du 2-Amino-Benzothiophène avec des groupes aryl-acétamides The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi (The Classic Collection) Maharshi, Ramana Teachings of Ramana Maharshi Arunachala Ramana maharshi and the hill of fire