Marcuse, Adolf Astronomie: in ihrer Bedeutung für das praktische Leben Abdoul Karim, Na Allah Rougah O problema da libertação do homem: na obra de Herbert MARCUSE Marcuse, Walter D Through Western Madagascar in Quest of the Golden Bean Crisafulli, Mariapia L. Bravi maestri. Dissertazioni su Pasolini, Marcuse e Calandrone Marcuse, Sibyl Musical Instruments at Yale: a Selection of Western Instruments From the 15th to 20th Centuries Korf, Gertraud Ausbruch aus dem „Gehäuse der Hörigkeit"?: Kritik der Kulturtheorien Max Webers und Herbert Marcuses: 5 Marcuse et l'Ecole de Francfort Marcuse, Herbert Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory