Harrington, Thomas Francis The Harvard Medical School: A History, Narrative And Documentary. 1782-1905; Volume 1
Harrington, Thomas Francis The Harvard Medical School: A History, Narrative And Documentary. 1782-1905; Volume 1
Gauss, Carl Friedrich Ueber Die Anziehung Homogener Ellipsoide: Abhandlungen Von Laplace (1782), Ivory (1809), Gauss (1813), Chasles (1838) Und Dirichlet (1839).
Gauss, Carl Friedrich Ueber Die Anziehung Homogener Ellipsoide: Abhandlungen Von Laplace (1782), Ivory (1809), Gauss (1813), Chasles (1838) Und Dirichlet (1839).
Martyn, Francis 1782-1838 Homilies on the Book of Tobias: or, a Familiar Explication of the Practical Duties of Domestic Life
Martyn, Francis 1782-1838 Homilies on the Book of Tobias: or, a Familiar Explication of the Practical Duties of Domestic Life
Martyn, Francis 1782-1838