Davis, Charles Thomas A Treatise On Steam Boiler Incrustation and Methods for Preventing Corrosion and the Formation of Scale

Maurice, Charles Le Théatre-Français; Mémoire en faveur de la Comédie-Française; adressé à la Chambre des Députés

Davis, Charles Edward Ancient Landmarks of Bath, Or Notes of Pagan and Christian Antiquities in and Around Aquæ Sulis

Davies, Charles Maurice History of Holland, From the Beginning of the Tenth to the End of the Eighteenth Century; Volume 1

Davis, Charles E Three Years in the Army: The Story of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers From July 16, 1861, to August 1, 1864

Davis, Charles E. The Mineral Baths of Bath.: The Bathes of Bathe's Ayde in the Reign of Charles 2nd, as Illustrated by a Drawing of the King's and Queen's Bath ... in the Year 1675 by a "Person of Quality

Huisman, Georges Maurice 1889- La juridiction de la municipalité parisienne de Saint Louis à Charles VII

Revillout, Charles Jules Un Voyageur Dauphinois Resté Inconnu, Antoine De Brunel, Seigneur De St. Maurice-En-Trièves (1622-1696)

de Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice Correspondance inédite du prince de Talleyrand: Et du roi Louis XVIII pendant le Congrès de Vienne

Davis, Charles E Three Years in the Army: The Story of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers From July 16, 1861, to August 1, 1864

de Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice Correspondance inédite du prince de Talleyrand: Et du roi Louis XVIII pendant le Congrès de Vienne

Davies, Charles University Arithmetic: Embracing the Science of Numbers, and General Rules for Their Application

Davies, Charles The Nature and Utility of Mathematics; With the Best Methods of Instruction Explained and Illustrated