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Anonymous The Life of Col. James Fisk, Jr., of Miss Helen Josephine Mansfield, of Edward L. Stokes, and of Hon. Wm. M. Tweed

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Routh, James Edward 1879- The Theory of Verse: Being Several Journal Articles With Additional Chapters to Make a Complete Theory

Talmage, James Edward Study For The Melchizedek Priesthood And Priests, Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints, 1916: "jesus The Christ

Park, Thomas Nugæ Antiquæ: Being a Miscellaneous Collection of Original Papers, in Prose and Verse; Written During the Reigns of Henry Viii. Edward Vi. Queen Mary, Elizabeth, and King James; Volume 2

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The Fergusons of Texas; or, "Two Governors for the Price of One." A Biography of James Edward Ferguson and His Wife, Miriam Amanda Ferguson, ... / by Their Daughter Ouida Ferguson Nalle.

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Quibell, James Edward Hierakonpolis ...: Plates Of Discoveries In 1898 By J. E. Quibell, With Notes By W. M. F. P[etrie

Anonymous The Life of Col. James Fisk, Jr., of Miss Helen Josephine Mansfield, of Edward L. Stokes, and of Hon. Wm. M. Tweed

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Calendar Of State Papers / Domestic Series / Reigns Of Edward Vi., Mary, Elizabeth I., James I.: Preserved In The State Paper Department Of Her ... Vi., Mary, Elizabeth : 1547 1580; Volume 1

Alexander, James Edward Passages in the Life of a Soldier: Or, Military Service in the East and West; Volume II

Horsfield Peters, James Reports Cases Determined in the Supreme Court, Court of Chancery and Court of Vice Admiralty Prince Edward Island

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Mores, Edward Rowe 1730-1778 A Dissertation Upon English Typographical Founders and Founderies (1778): With a Catalogue and Specimen of the Type-foundry of John James (1782)

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Johnson, Cuthbert William The Life of Sir Edward Coke: Lord Chief Justice of England in the Reign of James I., With Memoirs of His Contemporaries; Volume 2

Dover, George James Welbore Agar Elli Historical Inquires Repecting the Character of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor of En