De Mille Campbell, Edward History of the Chemical Laboratory of the University of Michigan, 1856-1916
Mearns, Edgar Alexander 1856-1916 Journal of a Journey From Fort Verde, Arizona, to Deming, New Mexico," March 25, 1885 May 20, 1885
Ward, Wilfrid Philip 1856-1916 The Wish to Believe: a Discussion Concerning the Temper of Mind in Which a Reasonable Man Should Undertake Religious Inquiry
Mearns, Edgar Alexander 1856-1916 Journal, June 1884 September 1885, Mostly Pertaining to Specimens Secured or Sighted
Mearns, Edgar Alexander 1856-1916 Edgar Alexander Mearns Papers, 1902-1907: Field Notes, Philippines, 1902-1907
Mearns, Edgar Alexander 1856-1916 Journal, June 1884 September 1885, Mostly Pertaining to Specimens Secured or Sighted
Carles, William Richard 1848- Some Pages in the History of Shanghai, 1842-1856: a Paper Read Before the China Society on May 23, 1916
Broadley, Alexander Meyrick 1847-1916 The Royal Miracle [microform]; a Collection of Rare Tracts, Broadsides, Letters, Prints, & Ballads Concerning the Wanderings of Charles II. After the Battle of Worcester (September 3-October 15, 1651)