Loper, Samuel Ward 1834-1910 Notes From Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 1900 Merritt, John Wesley Structural And Metamorphic Geology Of The Hanover District Of New Hampshire Daae, Ludvig 1834-1910 Fru Inger Ottesdatte og hendes døtre Wolff, Julius 1834-1910 The Piper of Hamelin: Opera in Five Acts Wetmore, Alexander 1886-1978 Album 1 Wyoming, 1910; Alaska, 1911; Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 1911-1912; Includes Photographs of Wetmore, Merritt Cary, Daniel Denison Streeter, and Arthur Cleveland Bent Harper, Merritt Wesley 1877- Breeding of Farm Animals Sök bara efter: Merritt, Wesley 1834-1910