Loper, Samuel Ward 1834-1910 Notes From Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 1900
Loper, Samuel Ward 1834-1910 Notes From Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 1900
Merritt, John Wesley Structural And Metamorphic Geology Of The Hanover District Of New Hampshire
Merritt, John Wesley Structural And Metamorphic Geology Of The Hanover District Of New Hampshire
Daae, Ludvig 1834-1910 Fru Inger Ottesdatte og hendes døtre
Daae, Ludvig 1834-1910 Fru Inger Ottesdatte og hendes døtre
Wolff, Julius 1834-1910 The Piper of Hamelin: Opera in Five Acts
Wolff, Julius 1834-1910 The Piper of Hamelin: Opera in Five Acts
Wetmore, Alexander 1886-1978 Album 1 Wyoming, 1910; Alaska, 1911; Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 1911-1912; Includes Photographs of Wetmore, Merritt Cary, Daniel Denison Streeter, and Arthur Cleveland Bent
Wetmore, Alexander 1886-1978 Album 1 Wyoming, 1910; Alaska, 1911; Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 1911-1912; Includes Photographs of Wetmore, Merritt Cary, Daniel Denison Streeter, and Arthur Cleveland Bent
Harper, Merritt Wesley 1877- Breeding of Farm Animals
Harper, Merritt Wesley 1877- Breeding of Farm Animals
Merritt, Wesley 1834-1910