Mitchell, Samuel Alfred Notes on the Concave Grating: And Its Application to Stellar Photography
Mitchell, Samuel Alfred Notes on the Concave Grating: And Its Application to Stellar Photography
Fox, Samuel King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius De Consolatione Philosophiae
Fox, Samuel King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius De Consolatione Philosophiae
Mitchell, Samuel Alfred Notes on the Concave Grating: And Its Application to Stellar Photography
Mitchell, Samuel Alfred Notes on the Concave Grating: And Its Application to Stellar Photography
Livingston, Luther Samuel Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Livingston, Luther Samuel Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Fox, Samuel King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Metres of Boethius: With an English Translation, and Notes
Fox, Samuel King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Metres of Boethius: With an English Translation, and Notes
Mercer, Samuel Alfred Browne Assyrian Grammar With Chrestomathy and Glossary
Mercer, Samuel Alfred Browne Assyrian Grammar With Chrestomathy and Glossary
Livingston, Luther Samuel Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Livingston, Luther Samuel Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Mercer, Samuel Alfred Browne Assyrian Grammar With Chrestomathy and Glossary
Mercer, Samuel Alfred Browne Assyrian Grammar With Chrestomathy and Glossary
Mitchell, Samuel Alfred