Houghton, Henry Oscar Address On Early Printing in America: Delivered Before the Vermont Historical Society, at Montpelier, October 25, 1894 (Vt ), Montpelier Act Of Incorporation And By-laws Of The Village Of Montpelier, 1890 Montpelier; 2 Rhinegold elit hel hals Montpelier matta mellan/lätt 100 gsm fyllning Black/White Check 4'6 Rhinegold elit hel hals Montpelier matta mellan/lätt 100 gsm fyllning Black/White Check 5'3 Thompson, Daniel P. 1795-1868 History of the Town of Montpelier, From the Time it was First Chartered in 1781 to the Year 1860 Gridley, John History of Montpelier: a Discourse Delivered in the Brick Church, Montpelier