Microseisms, Symposium On Symposium on Microseisms: Held at Arden House, Harriman, N.Y. 4-6 September 1952, Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, and the Geophysical Research Directorate of the U.S. Air Force

s Last Expedition ... Vol. I. Being the Journals of Captain R.F. Scott, R.N., C.V.O. Vol II. Being the Reports of the Journeys and the ... of the Expedition, Arranged by Leonard...;

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Scotti, N Three Hours in Pompeii; a Real and Practical Guide-book Compiled in Harmony With Description Given by Bulwer Lytton in his Work Entitled "The Last Days of Pompeii

Byron, George Gordon N Lord Byron's Cain, a Mystery: With Notes; Wherein the Religion of the Bible Is Considered, by H. Grant

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Ould, Hermon 1886-1951 Freedom of Expression, a Symposium Based on the Conference Called by the London Centre of the International P.E.N. to Commemorate the Tercentenary of ... Milton's "Areopagitica": 22-26th August, 1944

Bennet Family: Being a Brief Record of the Family and Descendants of Isaiah Bennet, Sr., Who Lived in Sussex County, N.J. 1762-1822 / by Florence Cooke Newberry.