Neale, John Mason A Commentary On the Psalms: From Primitive and Mediaeval Writers and From the Various Office-Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, ... Coptic, Armenian, and Syrian Rites; Volume 3
Neale, John Alexander 1849- An Exposition of English Law by English Judges: Compiled for the Use of Layman and Lawyer From the Most Recent Decisions (1886-1891)
Neale, Adam Letters From Portugal and Spain: Comprising an Account of the Operations of the Armies Under Their Excellencies Sir Arthur Wellesley and Sir John ... in Mondego Bay to the Battle at Corunna
Neale, John Preston 1780-1847 Views of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen, in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland; Volume 6
Neale, John Alexander 1849- An Exposition of English Law by English Judges: Compiled for the Use of Layman and Lawyer From the Most Recent Decisions (1886-1891)
Randolph Neal, John Disunion and Restoration in Tennessee Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University