Newman, Dr. Jay A Devotional for Understanding and Acceptance: Volume 4 Kingsley, Charles 1819-1875 What, Then, Does Dr. Newman Mean?: a Reply to a Pamphlet Lately Published by Dr. Newman Calkins, Dr Jay R Mystery of the Fallen Birds Anonymous Dr. John Henry Newman's Reply to Mr. Gladstone's Pamphlet Rajput, Dr. Jaya Us Raat Ki Subah Stanley Letters on Tractarian Secession to Popery: With Remarks on Mr. Newman's Principle of Development, Dr. Moehler's Symbolism, and the Adduced Evidence in Favour of the Romish Practice of Mariolatry Newman, Dr. Jay A Devotional for Understanding and Acceptance: Volume 4 J N (John Nelson), Darby Analysis of Dr. Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua Sök bara efter: Newman, Dr. Jay