Bernard, James B Theory of the Constitution, Compared With Its Practice in Ancient and Modern Times: With an Enquiry How Far the Late Reform of Parliament Is, Or Is ... With the Principles of the Constitution

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Scherer, James A.B. Young Japan: The Story of the Japanese People & Especially of Their Educational Development

Nicholson, James B. Ein Handbuch der Buchbindekunst mit vollständigen Anleitungen zu den verschiedenen Zweigen des Weiterleitens, Vergoldens und Veredelns. Außerdem die Kunst, Buchkanten und Papier zu marmorieren.

Nicholson, James B. Un manuel de l'art de la reliure contenant des instructions complètes dans les différentes branches de l'expédition, de la dorure et de la finition. ... de marbrer les bords des livres et du papier.

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Bevan, Algernon Beckford Brief Records Of S. James' Church, In S. Edmundsbury, With Some Account Of The Founder [by A.b. Bevan]

Waller, James B The True Doctrine of State Rights, With an Examination of the Record of the Democratic and Republica

Walpole, B C The Life of ... Charles James Fox: ... His Political Career and a Delineation of His Character As a Statesman, Senator, and Man of Fashion

Haggin, James B Catalogue of Thoroughbreds, Stallions and Brood Mares at Rancho Del Paso, Del Paso, Cal
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Davies, James A Relation of a Voyage to Sagadahoc [By J. Davies] Ed. With Preface, Notes and Appendix by B.F. Decosta

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Napier, William Francis Patrick The Life and Opinions of General Sir Charles James Napier, G. C. B.: Vol. IV

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Hurnard, James James Hurnard: A Memoir Chiefly Autobiographical, With Selections From His Poems. Ed. By His Widow (l.b. Hurnard)


Lawrence, James B China and Japan, and a Voyage Thither: An Account of a Cruise in the Waters of the East Indies, China, and Japan

Hamilton, Douglas Ray Comparison of James B. Conant's Recommendations for the Improvement of Secondary Education With Those of Previous Educators

Lindley, William B Record of the Descendants of James Henry Rosenberger (1821-1867) of Boone County, Ind., by His First Wife Elizabeth Mills (1821-1964) and His Second Wife Almyrah (Greist) Hadley ( -1922)
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Harris, James Thomas Oscar Wilde, His Life And Confessions, By Frank Harris. [followed By] Memories Of Oscar Wilde, By G.b. Shaw
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