Blunden, Edmund 1896-1974 Shakespeare to Hardy: Short Studies of Characteristic English Authors Given in a Series of Lectures at Tokyo University Clark, Ann Nolan 1896-1995 Paco's Miracle Knowles, David 1896-1974 The Benedictines Cook, Sherburne Friend 1896-1974 The Aboriginal Population of the North Coast of California Blunden, Edmund 1896-1974 English Scientists as Men of Letters Knowles, David 1896-1974 Saints and Scholars Sokolova, Lydia 1896-1974 Dancing for Diaghilev; the Memoirs of Lydia Sokolova Nolan, Jeannette Covert 1896-1974 Dolley Madison Sök bara efter: Nolan, Jeannette Covert 1896-1974