Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Margaret Fuller Ossoli Ossoli, Margaret Fuller Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli; Volume II Fuller, Margaret Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli Howe, Julia Ward Margaret Fuller: Marchesa Ossoli Gould, George Milbry Biographic Clinics: The Origin of the Ill-Health of George Eliot, George Henry Lewes, Wagner, Parkman, Jane Welch [!] Carlyle, Spencer, Whittier, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, and Nietzsche Ossoli, Margaret Fuller Life Without and Life Within Emerson, Ralph Waldo Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Volumes 1-2 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller Woman in the Ninteenth Century Ward Howe, Julia Margaret Fuller (Marchesa Ossoli) Anonymous Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli Howe, Julia Ward Margaret Fuller: Marchesa Ossoli