Dudley, John Langdon Discourse on the Death of Gen. Joseph K.F. Mansfield, Preached in the South Congregational Church, Middletown, on Sabbath Evening, September 28, 1862
Kiernan, Bernard An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord, 1819 [microform]: Being the Third After Bissextile or Leap Year, Calculated for the Meridian of Saint John, N.B. ...
Curtis, John 1791-1862 British Entomology [electronic Resource]: Being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects Found in Great Britain and Ireland: Containing ... Species, and in Many Instances of The...; 7
Davis, John P. 1862-1903 Corporations; a Study of the Origin and Development of Great Business Combinations and of Their Relation to the Authority of the State
Robinson, John N.C. Knowing God, Knowing Emptiness: An Epistemological Exploration of Bernard Lonergan, Karl Rahner and Nāgārjuna
Stuart, John McDouall Explorations in Australia: The Journals of John Mcdouall Stuart During the Years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, & 1862, When He Fixed the Centre of the Continent and Successfully Crossed It From Sea to Sea
Kelly, John Bernard 1888-1957 Cardinal Hayes, One of Ourselves; an Appreciation by John Bernard Kelly
Otten, Bernard John 1862-1930 A Manual Of The History Of Dogmas, Volume 1: The Development of Dogmas During the Patristic Age, 100-869
Bowman, George Journal of the Awashonks (Bark) out of New Bedford, MA, Mastered by John C. Marble and Kept by George Bowman, on a Whaling Voyage Between 1860 and 1862.
Bernard, Thomas Dehany 1815-1904 The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament: Considered in Eight Lectures Preached Before the University of Oxford, 1864, on the Foundation of the Late Rev. John Bampton
Curtis, John 1791-1862 British Entomology [electronic Resource]: Being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects Found in Great Britain and Ireland: Containing ... Species, and in Many Instances of The...; 4
The Industry, Science, & Art of the Age, Or The International Exhibition of 1862 Popolarly Described From Its Origin to Its Close, Including Details ... Objects and Articles Exhibited by John Timbs
Myers, John Wesley 1862- Success With Poultry. A Book on Successful and Profitable Poultry Raising, Containing Valuable Information for Persons Who Think of Engaging in Any Branch of the Poultry Business for Profit
Moyle, John Baron 1852-1930 The Contract of Sale in the Civil Law: With References to the Laws of England, Scotland and France
Cremer, John Dorland 1862-1934 Records of the Dorland Family in America [microform]: Embracing the Principal Branches : Dorland, Dorlon, Dorlan, Durland, Durling in the United ... Emigrant, 1652 and Lambert Janse Dorlandt,...
Fremont, John Charles Report of the Operations of Maj.-Gen. Frémont, While in Command of the Mountain Department, During the Spring and Summer of 1862
Ball, John The Central Alps, Including the Bernese Oberland, and All Switzerland Excepting the Neighbourhood of Monte Rosa and the Great St. Bernard: With ... Being the Second Part of the Alpine Guide