C, Ashok Kumar Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACk) of Student Teachers Kumar, Ch.Ashok PROGETTAZIONE E ANALISI STRUTTURALE DI UNA MOLLA A BALESTRA K, Dr ASHOK KUMAR VLSI IMPLEMENTATION OF INVISIBLE DIGITAL WATERMARKING ALGORITHMS: The algorithm focuses on VLSI implementation of an invisible-robust and an invisible-fragile spatial domain watermarking algorithm Ghosh, Nabendu DADAMONI THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ASHOK KUMAR Pandey, Adarsh Kumar The New Techniques Requirement for Management Kumar, L. Ashok Design and Simulation of Electrical Machines with Matlab Kumar, Ch. Ashok DESIGN AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF LEAF SPRING Sharma, Ashok Kumar Hamare Rashtrapati Ramnath Kovind in Gujarati (આપણાં રાષ્ટ્રપતિ રામનાથ કોવિંદ) Kumar, Ashok Khaki Mein Insan in Bengali (থাকিব মেইন মানুষ) Ghosh, Nabendu Dadamoni: The Life and Times of Ashok Kumar Manoj Kumar Pandey Shreshth Kahaniyan Kumar, Ashok Nanocompósitos de electrólitos de polímeros Kumar, Ashok Polymer-Elektrolyt-Nanokomposite Prajapati, Ashok Kumar The Garden Of Hopes Kumar, Ashok Dil Se Dil Ki Baat Sök bara efter: PANDEY, ASHOK KUMAR