Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart The Early Days of Sir William Wallace: A Lecture Delivered at Paisley, November 16, 1875

Brill, Patrick John The Great Sacred Music Reform of Pope St. Pius X: The Genesis, Interpretation, and Implementation of the Motu Proprio Tra le Sollecitudini (15)

Shaw, Patrick John An Old York Church: All Hallows In North Street. Its Mediaeval Stained Glass And Architecture

Blair, Patrick Thoughts on Nature and Religion: Or, An Apology for the Right of Private Judgment, Maintained by Michael Servetus, M.D. in his Answer to John Calvin

Briquet, John International Rules Of Botanical Nomenclature, Adopted By The International Botanical Congress Of Vienna, 1905...

Martin, John Robert 1905- Berryman Brown of Roanoke County, Virginia and Clinton, Dade and Ozark Counties in Missouri.

Barrett, John Patrick Electricity at the Columbian Exposition: Including an Account of the Exhibits in the Electricity Building, the Power Plant in Machinery Hall, the Arc ... Lighting of the Grounds and Buildings ... Etc