Joseph, Paul Die Münzen Von Frankfurt-Am-Main Nebst Einer Münzgeschichtlichen Einleitung Und Mehreren Anhängen: Das Mittelalter. Die Neuzeit

Lumpkin, Joseph TWELVE BOOKS OF THE APOCALYPSE: Including The Apocalypse of Peter, Abraham, Elijah, Paul, Adam, 1st James, 2nd James, Thomas, the Apocryphon of John, Coptic Peter, Thunder: Perfect Mind, and Baruch

Luynes, Honoré Théodore Paul Joseph D' Cartulaire Municipal De Saint-Maximin: Suivi De Documents Puisés Dans Les Archives De Cette Ville

Beet, Joseph Agar A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon

Diday, Charles Joseph Paul Douard A Treatise on Syphilis in New-Born Children and Infants at the Breast

Bain, Joseph Paul 1914- Derivatives of Piperazine VIII: Synthesis of Substituted Piperazines and Reactions of Piperazines With Conjugated Systems