Reyher, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm von Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Armee mit Bezug auf die Befreiungskriege 1813, 1814 und 1815: Erster Teil
Reyher, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm von Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Armee mit Bezug auf die Befreiungskriege 1813, 1814 und 1815: Erster Teil
Willson, Hugh Bowlby 1813-1880 A Plea for Uncle Sam's Money, or, Greenbacks Versus Bank Notes [microform]
Willson, Hugh Bowlby 1813-1880 A Plea for Uncle Sam's Money, or, Greenbacks Versus Bank Notes [microform]
Very, Jones 1813-1880 Essays and Poems
Very, Jones 1813-1880 Essays and Poems
Bleibtreu, Carl Die Grosse Armee: Vierter Band: 1808-1814, 1813-1815, Talavera-Lützen-Leipzig-Waterloo
Bleibtreu, Carl Die Grosse Armee: Vierter Band: 1808-1814, 1813-1815, Talavera-Lützen-Leipzig-Waterloo
Scadding, Henry 1813-1901 The Astrolabes of Samuel Champlain and Geoffrey Chaucer: a Paper Read Before the Canadian Institute, Toronto, During the Session 1879-1880
Scadding, Henry 1813-1901 The Astrolabes of Samuel Champlain and Geoffrey Chaucer: a Paper Read Before the Canadian Institute, Toronto, During the Session 1879-1880
Von Clausewitz, Carl Der Feldzug 1812 in Russland Und Die Befreiungskriege Von 1813-15
Von Clausewitz, Carl Der Feldzug 1812 in Russland Und Die Befreiungskriege Von 1813-15
1813-1882, Blanc Charles Une Famille D'artistes: Les Trois Vernet : Joseph, Carle, Horace
1813-1882, Blanc Charles Une Famille D'artistes: Les Trois Vernet : Joseph, Carle, Horace
Fortune, Robert 1813-1880 Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya: With a Narrative of Adventures, and a Full Description of ... Horticulture, and Botany of China; v.2
Fortune, Robert 1813-1880 Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya: With a Narrative of Adventures, and a Full Description of ... Horticulture, and Botany of China; v.2
Petersen, Carl 1813-1880 Den Sidste Franklin-expedition Med "Fox", Capt. M'Clintock [microform]
Petersen, Carl 1813-1880 Den Sidste Franklin-expedition Med "Fox", Capt. M'Clintock [microform]
Von Mueller, Hugo Geschichte Des Grenadier-Regiments Prinz Carl Von Preussen (2. Brandenburgisches), Issue 12; issues 1813-1875
Von Mueller, Hugo Geschichte Des Grenadier-Regiments Prinz Carl Von Preussen (2. Brandenburgisches), Issue 12; issues 1813-1875
1880-1963, Skottsberg Carl The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island Volume; Volume 2
1880-1963, Skottsberg Carl The Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island Volume; Volume 2
Gauss, Carl Friedrich Ueber Die Anziehung Homogener Ellipsoide: Abhandlungen Von Laplace (1782), Ivory (1809), Gauss (1813), Chasles (1838) Und Dirichlet (1839).
Gauss, Carl Friedrich Ueber Die Anziehung Homogener Ellipsoide: Abhandlungen Von Laplace (1782), Ivory (1809), Gauss (1813), Chasles (1838) Und Dirichlet (1839).
Fortune, Robert 1813-1880 Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya;; v.1 (1853)
Fortune, Robert 1813-1880 Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya;; v.1 (1853)
Petersen, Carl 1813-1880 Den Sidste Franklin-expedition Med "Fox", Capt. M'Clintock [microform]
Petersen, Carl 1813-1880 Den Sidste Franklin-expedition Med "Fox", Capt. M'Clintock [microform]
Petersens, Carl Justus Fredrik af Jómsvíkinga saga efter Arnamagnæanska handskriften n: o 291, 4:
Petersens, Carl Justus Fredrik af Jómsvíkinga saga efter Arnamagnæanska handskriften n: o 291, 4:
Sargent, Epes 1813-1880 The Life and Public Services of Henry Clay.
Sargent, Epes 1813-1880 The Life and Public Services of Henry Clay.
Willson, Hugh Bowlby 1813-1880 Memorandum Respecting the Proposal of the Hon. Mr. Hincks, Inspector General of Canada [microform]: to the Imperial Government to Obtain Aid in the ... Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, And...
Willson, Hugh Bowlby 1813-1880 Memorandum Respecting the Proposal of the Hon. Mr. Hincks, Inspector General of Canada [microform]: to the Imperial Government to Obtain Aid in the ... Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, And...
Petersen, Carl 1813-1880