Byington PhD, Dr Teresa A Find the Joyful Leader Within: Banishing Burnout in Early Childhood Education

B. Leigh PhD, Dr. Emmitt Saxenda (Liraglutid) Führung: Ein Schritt-für-Schritt-Plan zur sicheren Dosierung, zur Bewältigung von Nebenwirkungen und zum Erreichen eines dauerhaften Erfolgs beim Abnehmen.

Adler-Tapia, Robbie PhD EMDR and the Art of Psychotherapy With Children: Guidebook and Treatment Manual

Flynn PhD LPC LMFT-S NCC ACS, Stephen V. The Couple, Marriage, and Family Practitioner: Contemporary Issues, Interventions, and Skills

Rawlins Williams, Lee Ann PhD CRC CFL Fundamentals of Case and Caseload Management: Skills for Rehabilitation Practice

Twenge, Jean M., PhD iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us

Nagafuchi PhD, Yasuyuki Bali and Hinduism in Indonesia: The Institutionalization of a Minority Religion

PhD, Dawn Huebner, What to Do When Bad Habits Take Hold: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Nail Biting and More

Thompson PhD, Peter The School Psychologist’s Guide for the Praxis® Exam: Exam Preparation – Print and Online Review, Plus 370 Questions Based on the Latest Exam Blueprint

Jeffries PhD RN FAAN ANEF FSSH, Pamela R A Practical Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty Using Simulation in Competency-Based Education

de Jesús, PhD Gerardo Underserved Suffering: A Psychospiritual Autobiography of Post-Colonial Faith from the Puerto Rican Diaspora

Kelly PhD, Cliff THE SIXTH SEAL II: A Prewrath Commentary Redux on the Rise of Donald Trump and the Decline of the American Order, 2017-2021

Doherty PhD, William J. Helping Couples on the Brink of Divorce: Discernment Counseling for Troubled Relationships

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TANIMU-SAMINAKA, PhD I.U. Social And Theological Interactions Of Work Exposing The Sacredness And Wholliness Of Marketplace Work Culture

Ugurlu PhD, Caroline Wilcox Letters are Characters ® Presents Letters are Builders: A Play-Based, Reading Primer 1st Edition

McGreevy, Paul, BVSc, PhD (Department of Animal Science, University of Sydney, NSW, Austrialia) Equine Behavior: A Guide for Veterinarians and Equine Scientists

Felter (Cantab) PhD, Dr Peter The Golgotha Triumph, Volume II: The Lord's TRIUMPHANT Death, Burial, Resurrection, Descension, Ascension ON HIGH: 2

Wilkes PHD., Frank G Prominent Founding Fathers: "Foundingest" Fathers of Them All These people rode horses and wrote with quills, folks!