Philbrick, John D. The American Union Speaker: in large print
Philbrick, John D. The American Union Speaker: in large print
Dudley, John Langdon Discourse on the Death of Gen. Joseph K.F. Mansfield, Preached in the South Congregational Church, Middletown, on Sabbath Evening, September 28, 1862
Dudley, John Langdon Discourse on the Death of Gen. Joseph K.F. Mansfield, Preached in the South Congregational Church, Middletown, on Sabbath Evening, September 28, 1862
Edwards, John Stephan Portraits of Lady Jane Grey Dudley, England's 'Nine Days Queen': Revised Edition
Edwards, John Stephan Portraits of Lady Jane Grey Dudley, England's 'Nine Days Queen': Revised Edition
Philbrick, John Dudley Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education: City School Systems in the United States
Philbrick, John Dudley Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education: City School Systems in the United States
Philbrick, John Dudley Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education: City School Systems in the United States
Philbrick, John Dudley Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education: City School Systems in the United States
Philbrick, John Dudley