Picton, J Allanson 1832-1910 New Theories and the old Faith. A Course of Lectures on Religious Topiecs of the day, Delivered in St. Thomas's Square Chapel, Hackney
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne 1832-1910 Plays, by Björnstjerne Björnson. 2d Series. Love and Geography (Geografi Og Kjaerlighed) Beyond Human Might (Over Evne: Annet Stykke) Laboremus (Laboremus)
Lemcke, J A. 1832-1911 Reminiscences of an Indianian From the Sassafras log Behind the Barn in Posey County to Broader Fields
Yeater, Sarah Janette Ellis Civil War Experiences of Sarah J.Yeater Written in 1906 and 1910 for My Three Granddaughters,frances and Christine Yeater and Jeanette Brokmeyer
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson 1792-1875 The Speech of Thomas J. Randolph, (of Albemarle,) in the House of Delegates of Virginia,: on the Abolition of Slavery: Delivered Saturday, Jan. 21, 1832
Rogers, Thomas J 1781-1832 Lives of the Departed Heroes, Sages, and Statesmen of America. Confined Exclusively to Those who Have Signalized Themselves in Either Capacity, in the ... Obtained the Independence of Their Country