Gästabudet, E-bok
Gästabudet, E-bok
Plato’s Ion, Ljudbok
Plato’s Ion, Ljudbok
Plato’s Gorgias, E-bok
Plato’s Gorgias, E-bok
Learn Wisdom with Classical Greek Philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Ljudbok
Learn Wisdom with Classical Greek Philosophers: Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Ljudbok
Krigets konst, E-bok
Krigets konst, E-bok
Beslag Design Knopp Plato borstad mattsvart 42
Beslag Design Knopp Plato borstad mattsvart 42
Plato’s Ion, E-bok
Plato’s Ion, E-bok
100 Quotes by Socrates: Great Philosophers &amp  Their Inspiring Thoughts, Ljudbok
100 Quotes by Socrates: Great Philosophers &amp Their Inspiring Thoughts, Ljudbok
Från Platon till kriget mot terrorismen : De politiska idéernas historia, E-bok
Från Platon till kriget mot terrorismen : De politiska idéernas historia, E-bok
Valtio, Ljudbok
Valtio, Ljudbok
Plato’s Symposium, E-bok
Plato’s Symposium, E-bok
Staten, E-bok
Staten, E-bok
100 Quotes by Plato: Great Philosophers &amp  Their Inspiring Thoughts, Ljudbok
100 Quotes by Plato: Great Philosophers &amp Their Inspiring Thoughts, Ljudbok
Uemura’s Reflections on the Mind of Plato, Ljudbok
Uemura’s Reflections on the Mind of Plato, Ljudbok
Warren, Thomas Herbert The Republic of Plato. Books I.-V
Warren, Thomas Herbert The Republic of Plato. Books I.-V
Plato The Dialogues of : Republic. Timaeus. Critias
Plato The Dialogues of : Republic. Timaeus. Critias
Plato The Republic of : Tr; Volume 7
Plato The Republic of : Tr; Volume 7
Bishop, Paul Reading Plato through Jung: Why must the Third become the Fourth?
Bishop, Paul Reading Plato through Jung: Why must the Third become the Fourth?
Plato The Works of
Plato The Works of
Plato ns Werke. Erster Theil. Zweiter Band. Zweite verbesserte Auflage.
Plato ns Werke. Erster Theil. Zweiter Band. Zweite verbesserte Auflage.
Greek Philosophy Before Plato
Greek Philosophy Before Plato
Plato The Theaetetus of : With Translation and Notes
Plato The Theaetetus of : With Translation and Notes
Plato Protagoras: in large print
Plato Protagoras: in large print
Diodochus, Proclus Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato v. 2: Revised Second Edition: 16
Diodochus, Proclus Proclus Commentary on the Timaeus of Plato v. 2: Revised Second Edition: 16
Owen, William Bishop The Theory of Education in the Republic of Plato
Owen, William Bishop The Theory of Education in the Republic of Plato
The Six Books Of Proclus, The Platonic Successor, On The Theology Of Plato: Translated From The Greek: To Which A Seventh Book [by The Translator] Is ... Book On This Subject, Which Was Written By
The Six Books Of Proclus, The Platonic Successor, On The Theology Of Plato: Translated From The Greek: To Which A Seventh Book [by The Translator] Is ... Book On This Subject, Which Was Written By
Plato The Apology of Socrates
Plato The Apology of Socrates
Schneider, Gustav Schüler-Kommentar zu Platons Apologie des Sokrates und Kriton, nebst den Schlusskapiteln des Phaedon
Schneider, Gustav Schüler-Kommentar zu Platons Apologie des Sokrates und Kriton, nebst den Schlusskapiteln des Phaedon
1892-1974, Salin Edgar Platon Und Die Griechische Utopie
1892-1974, Salin Edgar Platon Und Die Griechische Utopie
Plato Statesman: in large print
Plato Statesman: in large print
Pérez Castaño, Víctor Elaboración de platos combinados y aperitivos
Pérez Castaño, Víctor Elaboración de platos combinados y aperitivos
Jowett, Benjamin Select Passages From The Introductions To Plato
Jowett, Benjamin Select Passages From The Introductions To Plato
Hoyer, Wolfgang Platons 'Phaidon': Eine neue Gesamtinterpretation: 22
Hoyer, Wolfgang Platons 'Phaidon': Eine neue Gesamtinterpretation: 22
Bensberg, Gabriele Die Ablehnung des Suizids in Platons "Phaidon". Leib-Seele-Dualismus und übermenschliche Gesetze
Bensberg, Gabriele Die Ablehnung des Suizids in Platons "Phaidon". Leib-Seele-Dualismus und übermenschliche Gesetze
Huit, Charles Le Gorgias: Commentaire Grammatical Et Littéraire Des Chapitres Xxxvii-Lxxxiii Précédé D'une Étude Sur Le Style De Platon Et Suivi D'un Appendice Sur Les Mythes De Ce Philosophie
Huit, Charles Le Gorgias: Commentaire Grammatical Et Littéraire Des Chapitres Xxxvii-Lxxxiii Précédé D'une Étude Sur Le Style De Platon Et Suivi D'un Appendice Sur Les Mythes De Ce Philosophie
Plato The Laws of ; The Text Ed. With Introduction, Notes, Etc
Plato The Laws of ; The Text Ed. With Introduction, Notes, Etc
Heidegger, Martin Plato's Sophist
Heidegger, Martin Plato's Sophist
Plato, Plato Euthydemus, Protagoras
Plato, Plato Euthydemus, Protagoras
Plato ns Werke. Achtzehnter Theil.: 18
Plato ns Werke. Achtzehnter Theil.: 18
Schumacher, Sina Die Geschichte der Philosophie. Sokrates und Platon und deren Aktualitätsbezug in der heutigen Pädagogik
Schumacher, Sina Die Geschichte der Philosophie. Sokrates und Platon und deren Aktualitätsbezug in der heutigen Pädagogik
Tyler, W.S. Plato's Apology and Crito with Notes
Tyler, W.S. Plato's Apology and Crito with Notes
Platon EL POL TICO: .: .
Platon EL POL TICO: .: .
Plato The Republic
Plato The Republic
Psychology and Value in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy: The Ninth Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy
Psychology and Value in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy: The Ninth Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy
Woodruff, Douglas 1897-1978 Plato's American Republic, Done out of the Original
Woodruff, Douglas 1897-1978 Plato's American Republic, Done out of the Original
Tyler, William Seymour Plato's Apology and Crito
Tyler, William Seymour Plato's Apology and Crito
Plato Timaeus: in large print
Plato Timaeus: in large print
Lewis, Tayler Plato Contra Atheos: Plato Against the Atheists; Or, the Tenth Book of the Dialogue On Laws, Accompanied With Critical Notes, and Followed by Extended ... and Theology, Especially As Compared
Lewis, Tayler Plato Contra Atheos: Plato Against the Atheists; Or, the Tenth Book of the Dialogue On Laws, Accompanied With Critical Notes, and Followed by Extended ... and Theology, Especially As Compared
Greek Aesthetic Theory: a Study of Callistic and Aesthetic Concepts in the Works of Plato and Aristotle
Greek Aesthetic Theory: a Study of Callistic and Aesthetic Concepts in the Works of Plato and Aristotle
Plato Cratylus
Plato Cratylus
Le système du monde; histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic; Tome 1
Le système du monde; histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic; Tome 1
Le système du monde; histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic; Tome 5
Le système du monde; histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic; Tome 5
The Works Of Plato: Philebus, Charmides, Laches, Menexenus, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, First Alcibiades, Second Alcibiades, Theages, The Rivals, Hipparchus. Minos, Clitopho, The Epistles
The Works Of Plato: Philebus, Charmides, Laches, Menexenus, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, First Alcibiades, Second Alcibiades, Theages, The Rivals, Hipparchus. Minos, Clitopho, The Epistles
Was, H Plato'S Politeia: Een Kritisch-Esthetisch Onderzoek
Was, H Plato'S Politeia: Een Kritisch-Esthetisch Onderzoek
Pohlenz, Max Aus Platos Werdezeit; Philologische Untersuchungen von Max Pohlenz
Pohlenz, Max Aus Platos Werdezeit; Philologische Untersuchungen von Max Pohlenz
Vrain-Lucas Le parfait secrétaire des grands hommes ou Les lettres de Sapho, Platon, Vercingétorix: Cléopâtre, Marie-Madeleine, Charlemagne, Jeanne d'Arc et autres personnages illustres
Vrain-Lucas Le parfait secrétaire des grands hommes ou Les lettres de Sapho, Platon, Vercingétorix: Cléopâtre, Marie-Madeleine, Charlemagne, Jeanne d'Arc et autres personnages illustres
Plato Cratylus (Esprios Classics): Translated by Benjamin Jowett
Plato Cratylus (Esprios Classics): Translated by Benjamin Jowett
Plato's Thought
Plato's Thought
Plato Apology of Socrates and Crito
Plato Apology of Socrates and Crito
Alberti, Eduard Zur Dialektik Des Platon, Vom Theaetet Bis Zum Parmenides
Alberti, Eduard Zur Dialektik Des Platon, Vom Theaetet Bis Zum Parmenides
Peramàs, Josep Manuel A Treatise on the Guaraní System of Government in Comparison with Plato’s Republic (1793)
Peramàs, Josep Manuel A Treatise on the Guaraní System of Government in Comparison with Plato’s Republic (1793)
Plato Euthydemus: in large print
Plato Euthydemus: in large print
Plato Menexenus; Eryxias: in large print
Plato Menexenus; Eryxias: in large print
Platon; Band 01
Platon; Band 01
Cohen-Taber, Inbal Wisdom and Beauty in Plato's Charmides (2)
Cohen-Taber, Inbal Wisdom and Beauty in Plato's Charmides (2)
Tayan, Guelcan Platons Politeia und der gerechte Staat. Eine Analyse des Verständnisses der Gerechtigkeit
Tayan, Guelcan Platons Politeia und der gerechte Staat. Eine Analyse des Verständnisses der Gerechtigkeit
H J (Herbert James), Paton Plato's Theory of Eikasia
H J (Herbert James), Paton Plato's Theory of Eikasia
Plato Gplátwn. nis Opera Ex Recens. R.B. Hirschigii (C.E.C. Schneideri), Graece Et Latine
Plato Gplátwn. nis Opera Ex Recens. R.B. Hirschigii (C.E.C. Schneideri), Graece Et Latine
Plato Symposium: in large print
Plato Symposium: in large print
From Plato to Nietzsche
From Plato to Nietzsche
Kassner, Rudolf Platons Gastmahl ins deutsche übertragen
Kassner, Rudolf Platons Gastmahl ins deutsche übertragen
Plato The Dialogues of : Parmenides. Theaetetus. Sophist. Statesman. Philebus
Plato The Dialogues of : Parmenides. Theaetetus. Sophist. Statesman. Philebus
Levshin, Petr Georgievich The Orthodox Doctrine of the Apostolic Eastern Church; Or, a Compendium of Christian Theology [By Platon, Metropolitan of Moscow] Tr. [By G. Potessaro]
Levshin, Petr Georgievich The Orthodox Doctrine of the Apostolic Eastern Church; Or, a Compendium of Christian Theology [By Platon, Metropolitan of Moscow] Tr. [By G. Potessaro]
Adam, Adela Marion Plato Moral and Political Ideals
Adam, Adela Marion Plato Moral and Political Ideals
Pathrose, Plato ADAS and Automated Driving: A Practical Approach to Verification and Validation
Pathrose, Plato ADAS and Automated Driving: A Practical Approach to Verification and Validation
Miller, Irving Elgar The Significance of the Mathematical Element in the Philosophy of Plato
Miller, Irving Elgar The Significance of the Mathematical Element in the Philosophy of Plato
Plato Statesman: in large print
Plato Statesman: in large print
Apuleius, Lucius The Fable of Cupid and Psyche, Tr. [By T. Taylor]: To Which Are Added, a Poetical Paraphrase On the Speech of Diotima, in the Banquet of Plato, Four Hymns, &C
Apuleius, Lucius The Fable of Cupid and Psyche, Tr. [By T. Taylor]: To Which Are Added, a Poetical Paraphrase On the Speech of Diotima, in the Banquet of Plato, Four Hymns, &C
Paley, Frederick Apthorp The Theaetetus of Plato
Paley, Frederick Apthorp The Theaetetus of Plato
Plato, Plato