Harriss, William Pliny Adsorption of Acetic, Butyric, Valeric and Caproic Acids at Ammonia Liquid-vapor Interfaces
Harriss, William Pliny Adsorption of Acetic, Butyric, Valeric and Caproic Acids at Ammonia Liquid-vapor Interfaces
Merrill, Elmer Truesdell Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny
Merrill, Elmer Truesdell Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny
Pliny The Letters of  the Consul [Tr. by W. Melmoth] With Occasional Remarks
Pliny The Letters of the Consul [Tr. by W. Melmoth] With Occasional Remarks
Elder.), Pliny (the Histoire Des Animaux...
Elder.), Pliny (the Histoire Des Animaux...
Brown, George Pliny School And Home Education; Volume 34
Brown, George Pliny School And Home Education; Volume 34
Pliny The Quintilien et Pline le Jeune: Oeuvres complètes; avec la traduction en français [et] publiées sous la direction de M. Nisard
Pliny The Quintilien et Pline le Jeune: Oeuvres complètes; avec la traduction en français [et] publiées sous la direction de M. Nisard
Earle, Goddard Pliny Chilula Texts
Earle, Goddard Pliny Chilula Texts
Pellisson, Maurice Roman Life in Pliny's Time
Pellisson, Maurice Roman Life in Pliny's Time
Elder.), Pliny (the Naturalis Historia...
Elder.), Pliny (the Naturalis Historia...
Prichard, Constantine E. Selected Letters of Pliny
Prichard, Constantine E. Selected Letters of Pliny
Earle, Goddard Pliny Indians of the Southwest
Earle, Goddard Pliny Indians of the Southwest
Pliny The Natural History
Pliny The Natural History
Pliny Selected Letters of : With Notes for the Use of Schools
Pliny Selected Letters of : With Notes for the Use of Schools
Ritchie, Mary Helen A Study Of Conditional And Temporal Clauses In Pliny The Younger
Ritchie, Mary Helen A Study Of Conditional And Temporal Clauses In Pliny The Younger
Pliny, Pliny C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historia; Volume 6
Pliny, Pliny C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historia; Volume 6
Pliny Die Naturalis Historia Des Plinius Im Mittelalter
Pliny Die Naturalis Historia Des Plinius Im Mittelalter
Pliny the Elder The Natural History of Pliny: Vol. 5
Pliny the Elder The Natural History of Pliny: Vol. 5
Elder ), Pliny (the Caii Plinii Secundi Historiæ Naturalis, Libri Xxxvii
Elder ), Pliny (the Caii Plinii Secundi Historiæ Naturalis, Libri Xxxvii
Pliny the Younger Letters, Volume I: Books 1-7
Pliny the Younger Letters, Volume I: Books 1-7
Anonymous Elegant Epistles: Being A Copious Collection Of Familiar And Amusing Letters, Selected For The Improvement Of Young Persons, And For General ... Pliny, Sydney ... And Many Others; Volume 1
Anonymous Elegant Epistles: Being A Copious Collection Of Familiar And Amusing Letters, Selected For The Improvement Of Young Persons, And For General ... Pliny, Sydney ... And Many Others; Volume 1
Miles, Pliny Nordurfari: Or, Rambles in Iceland
Miles, Pliny Nordurfari: Or, Rambles in Iceland
Younger ), Pliny (The Cajus Plinius Secundus Naturgeschichte, Volumes 1-6...
Younger ), Pliny (The Cajus Plinius Secundus Naturgeschichte, Volumes 1-6...
The Letters Of Pliny The Younger: With Observations On Each Letter, And An Essay On Pliny's Life
The Letters Of Pliny The Younger: With Observations On Each Letter, And An Essay On Pliny's Life
Goddard, Pliny Earle Jicarilla Apache Texts; Volume 8
Goddard, Pliny Earle Jicarilla Apache Texts; Volume 8
Elder, Pliny The The Natural History of Pliny; In Six Volumes, Translated, With Copious Notes: Volume 5 in large print
Elder, Pliny The The Natural History of Pliny; In Six Volumes, Translated, With Copious Notes: Volume 5 in large print
Pliny 's Letters, Book 3
Pliny 's Letters, Book 3
Goddard, Pliny Earle Myths and Tales From the White Mountain Apache
Goddard, Pliny Earle Myths and Tales From the White Mountain Apache
Platner, Samuel Ball Selections From the Letters of the Younger Pliny
Platner, Samuel Ball Selections From the Letters of the Younger Pliny
Earle, Pliny The Curability of Insanity
Earle, Pliny The Curability of Insanity
Pliny Des C. Plinius Cäcilius Secundus Briefe
Pliny Des C. Plinius Cäcilius Secundus Briefe
Church, Alfred Pliny's Letters
Church, Alfred Pliny's Letters
Younger.), Pliny (the Lettere Di Plinio Il Giovane: Tradotte In Lingua Italiana, E Dedicate All'illustriss., Ed Eccellentiss. Signore D. Alessandro Albani, Nipote Di Nostro ... Gio: Antonio Tedeschi, E Tra Gli Arcadi...
Younger.), Pliny (the Lettere Di Plinio Il Giovane: Tradotte In Lingua Italiana, E Dedicate All'illustriss., Ed Eccellentiss. Signore D. Alessandro Albani, Nipote Di Nostro ... Gio: Antonio Tedeschi, E Tra Gli Arcadi...
Secundus, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Letters of Pliny
Secundus, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Letters of Pliny
Pliny The Letters of  the Younger: With Observations On Each Letter ; and an Essay On 's Life, Addressed to Charles Lord Boyle; Volume 1
Pliny The Letters of the Younger: With Observations On Each Letter ; and an Essay On 's Life, Addressed to Charles Lord Boyle; Volume 1
Younger, Pliny the C. Plini Secundi Epistulae Selectae. Selected Letters of Pliny
Younger, Pliny the C. Plini Secundi Epistulae Selectae. Selected Letters of Pliny
Elder, Pliny The The Natural History of Pliny; In Six Volumes, Translated, With Copious Notes: Volume 4 in large print
Elder, Pliny The The Natural History of Pliny; In Six Volumes, Translated, With Copious Notes: Volume 4 in large print
Pliny the Elder The Natural History of Pliny: Vol. 4
Pliny the Elder The Natural History of Pliny: Vol. 4
Pliny OEuvres D'étienne Falconet, Statuaire: Contenant Plusieurs Écrits Relatifs Aux Beaux Arts, Dont Quelques-Uns Ont Déja Paru, Mais Fautifs: D'autres Sont Nouveaux ...
Pliny OEuvres D'étienne Falconet, Statuaire: Contenant Plusieurs Écrits Relatifs Aux Beaux Arts, Dont Quelques-Uns Ont Déja Paru, Mais Fautifs: D'autres Sont Nouveaux ...
Pliny, Pliny