Pound, Ezra Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony, With Supplementary Notes A Preliminary Checklist of the Writings of Ezra Pound: Especially His Contributions to Periodicals Pound, Ezra Translations Hulme, T. E. Ripostes of Ezra Pound Pound, Ezra Awai no Uye: A Play by Ujinob Pound, Ezra Instigations of Ezra Pound: Together With an Essay On the Chinese Written Character Pound, Ezra Provença: Poems Selected From Personae, Exultations, and Canzoniere of Ezra Pound 1885-1972, Romains Jules Mort De Quelqu'un Romains, Jules 1885-1972 La vie unanime: Poême Pound, Ezra A Quinzaine for This Yule, Being Selected From a Venetian Sketch-book, "San Trovaso, Pound, Ezra Ezra Pound: Poems & Translations (LOA #144) Cross-Cultural Ezra Pound: 6 Pound, Ezra Lustra of Ezra Pound Pound, Ezra Mr. James Joyce And The Modern Stage: A Play And Some Considerations Ezra Pound's Mauberley; a Study in Composition Pound, Ezra Cathay Pound, Ezra Lustra of Ezra Pound, With Earlier Poems Ezra, Pound Umbra: The Early Poems of Ezra Pound Pound, Ezra Noh", Or, Accomplishment: A Study of the Classical Stage of Japan Pound, Ezra Exultations Pound, Ezra Poems 1918-21: Including Three Portraits and Four Cantos Pound, Ezra The Spirit of Romance; an Attempt to Define Somewhat the Charm of the Pre-renaissance Literature of Latin Europe Pound, Ezra Provença: Poems Selected From Personae, Exultations, and Canzoniere of Ezra Pound 1885-1972, Castro Américo Fueros leoneses de Zamora, Salamanca, Ledesma y Alba de Tormes; Volume 1 Pound, Ezra Translations Pound, Ezra Noh", Or, Accomplishment: A Study of the Classical Stage of Japan Pound, Ezra Lustra Sök bara efter: Pound, Ezra 1885-1972