The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidius Naso;
The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidius Naso;
Ovidius Naso, Publius Ovid Die Liebeselegien: 15
Ovidius Naso, Publius Ovid Die Liebeselegien: 15
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Works of Virgil, Tr. by C.R. Kennedy
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Works of Virgil, Tr. by C.R. Kennedy
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Farm and Fruit of Old: A Tr. in Verse of the 1St and 2Nd Georgics, by a Market-Gardener [R.D. Blackmore]
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Farm and Fruit of Old: A Tr. in Verse of the 1St and 2Nd Georgics, by a Market-Gardener [R.D. Blackmore]
Maro, Publius Vergilius The First Two Books of the Aeneid of Virgil
Maro, Publius Vergilius The First Two Books of the Aeneid of Virgil
Maro, Publius Vergilius The ... Book of Virgil's Æneid, With a Vocabulary Ed. by J.T. White. (White's Grammar Sch. Texts). 1St (-6Th, 8Th, 10Th, 11Th)
Maro, Publius Vergilius The ... Book of Virgil's Æneid, With a Vocabulary Ed. by J.T. White. (White's Grammar Sch. Texts). 1St (-6Th, 8Th, 10Th, 11Th)
Terentius, Publius A Literal Translation of the Andria of Terence [By T.a. Blyth]
Terentius, Publius A Literal Translation of the Andria of Terence [By T.a. Blyth]
Terentius, Publius The Hauton Timorumenos of Terence
Terentius, Publius The Hauton Timorumenos of Terence
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles ... (the Metamorphoses. The Heroides ... The Amours ... And Minor Works) Of Ovid, Tr. Into Engl. Prose, With Notes, By H.t. Riley
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Fasti, Tristia, Pontic Epistles ... (the Metamorphoses. The Heroides ... The Amours ... And Minor Works) Of Ovid, Tr. Into Engl. Prose, With Notes, By H.t. Riley
Terentius, Publius Pincerna, Ex Terentio, With Engl. Notices to Assist the Representation. (For the Use of the School of the Oratory). Cardinal [J.H.] Newman's Ed
Terentius, Publius Pincerna, Ex Terentio, With Engl. Notices to Assist the Representation. (For the Use of the School of the Oratory). Cardinal [J.H.] Newman's Ed
Statius, Publius Papinius Silvae. Translated With Introd. and Notes; by D.A. Slater
Statius, Publius Papinius Silvae. Translated With Introd. and Notes; by D.A. Slater
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Art Of Love ... The Remedy Of Love, The Art Of Beauty, And Amours. From The Latin
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Art Of Love ... The Remedy Of Love, The Art Of Beauty, And Amours. From The Latin
Maro, Publius Vergilius Books Xi. Xii. of the Aeneid of Vergil, Ed. With Notes by F. Storr
Maro, Publius Vergilius Books Xi. Xii. of the Aeneid of Vergil, Ed. With Notes by F. Storr
Germania, E-bok
Germania, E-bok
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidii Nasonis Carmina Amatoria
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidii Nasonis Carmina Amatoria
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Picture of Incest [Book 10 of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Tr.] by J. Gresham, Ed., With Intr. and Notes by A.B. Grosart
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Picture of Incest [Book 10 of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Tr.] by J. Gresham, Ed., With Intr. and Notes by A.B. Grosart
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Picture of Incest [Book 10 of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Tr.] by J. Gresham, Ed., With Intr. and Notes by A.B. Grosart
Naso, Publius Ovidius The Picture of Incest [Book 10 of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Tr.] by J. Gresham, Ed., With Intr. and Notes by A.B. Grosart
Naso, Publius Ovidius Myths From Ovid's Metamorphoses
Naso, Publius Ovidius Myths From Ovid's Metamorphoses
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Insunt: Historiarum Libri V. De Situ, Moribus Et Populis Germaniae, Vita Iulii Agricolae, Dialogus De Caussis Corruptae Eloquentiae
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius C. Cornelii Taciti Opera: Insunt: Historiarum Libri V. De Situ, Moribus Et Populis Germaniae, Vita Iulii Agricolae, Dialogus De Caussis Corruptae Eloquentiae
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Tristia, Book 1, Literally Tr. With Notes, By T.j. Arnold
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Tristia, Book 1, Literally Tr. With Notes, By T.j. Arnold
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Cornelius Tacitus (Annales) Explained by K. Nipperdey. Tr
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Cornelius Tacitus (Annales) Explained by K. Nipperdey. Tr
Terentius, Publius Afer Andria
Terentius, Publius Afer Andria
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Cornelius Tacitus (Annales) Explained by K. Nipperdey. Tr
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Cornelius Tacitus (Annales) Explained by K. Nipperdey. Tr
Plutarch's Lives: Theseus.-romulus.-lycurgus.-numa Pompilius.-solon.-publius Valerius Publica
Plutarch's Lives: Theseus.-romulus.-lycurgus.-numa Pompilius.-solon.-publius Valerius Publica
Syrus, Publilius Sentences De Publius Syrus: Traduites En Français
Syrus, Publilius Sentences De Publius Syrus: Traduites En Français
Phaedrus, Caius Julius Les Fables De Phèdre ... En Latin Et En Français, Augm. De Plusieurs Fables Et Des Sentences De Publius Syrus...
Phaedrus, Caius Julius Les Fables De Phèdre ... En Latin Et En Français, Augm. De Plusieurs Fables Et Des Sentences De Publius Syrus...
Anonym Die Ermordung Publius Septimius Getas. Quellenbetrachtung Cassius Dios, Herodians und der Historia Augusta
Anonym Die Ermordung Publius Septimius Getas. Quellenbetrachtung Cassius Dios, Herodians und der Historia Augusta
Publius, Ovidius Naso Ovid. Die Liebeskunst: 25
Publius, Ovidius Naso Ovid. Die Liebeskunst: 25
Maro, Publius Vergilius Bucolica, Georgica, Et Aeneis
Maro, Publius Vergilius Bucolica, Georgica, Et Aeneis
Ovidius Publius Naso Metamorfozy
Ovidius Publius Naso Metamorfozy
Syrus, Publilius Sentences De Publius Syrus: Traduites En Français
Syrus, Publilius Sentences De Publius Syrus: Traduites En Français
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Georgics of Vergil With a Running Analysis, Engl. Notes and Index, by H.M. Wilkins
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Georgics of Vergil With a Running Analysis, Engl. Notes and Index, by H.M. Wilkins
Lawson, Publius V Paper-making In Wisconsin
Lawson, Publius V Paper-making In Wisconsin
Cato, Publius Valerius Valerii Catonis Dirae
Cato, Publius Valerius Valerii Catonis Dirae
Statius, Publius Papinius Achilleis
Statius, Publius Papinius Achilleis
Statius, Publius Papinius Opera: Lactantius Placidus Commentarios in Statii Thebaida Et Commentarium in Achilleida, Recensuit R. Jahnke. 1898
Statius, Publius Papinius Opera: Lactantius Placidus Commentarios in Statii Thebaida Et Commentarium in Achilleida, Recensuit R. Jahnke. 1898
Statius, Publius Papinius Achilleide
Statius, Publius Papinius Achilleide
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Georgics of Vergil With a Running Analysis, Engl. Notes and Index, by H.M. Wilkins
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Georgics of Vergil With a Running Analysis, Engl. Notes and Index, by H.M. Wilkins
The Works Of Publius Vergilius Maro Translated
The Works Of Publius Vergilius Maro Translated
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Germania
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Germania
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Fasti, Tr. Into Engl. Prose by R. Mongan
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Fasti, Tr. Into Engl. Prose by R. Mongan
Federalistikirjoitukset, E-bok
Federalistikirjoitukset, E-bok
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera Omnia, Ex Ed. Burmanniana Cum Notis Et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera Omnia, Ex Ed. Burmanniana Cum Notis Et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidius Naso. 3. Tristia. Ibis. Ex Ponto Libri. Fasti. Halieutica
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidius Naso. 3. Tristia. Ibis. Ex Ponto Libri. Fasti. Halieutica
Naso, Publius Ovidius Myths From Ovid's Metamorphoses
Naso, Publius Ovidius Myths From Ovid's Metamorphoses
Maro, Publius Vergilius Bucolica, Georgica, Et Aeneis, Volume 1...
Maro, Publius Vergilius Bucolica, Georgica, Et Aeneis, Volume 1...
Vergilius Maro, Theocritus Publius Les Bucoliques de Virgile, précédées de plusieurs idylles de Théocrite
Vergilius Maro, Theocritus Publius Les Bucoliques de Virgile, précédées de plusieurs idylles de Théocrite
Marón, Publius Virgilio Églogas: .
Marón, Publius Virgilio Églogas: .
Statius, Publius Papinius P. Papinius Statius: Silvae. Recensuit Aemilius Baehrens. 1876...
Statius, Publius Papinius P. Papinius Statius: Silvae. Recensuit Aemilius Baehrens. 1876...
Maro, Publius Vergilius P. Virgilii Maronis Æneis. Virgil's Æneid, With Engl. Notes By H. Young
Maro, Publius Vergilius P. Virgilii Maronis Æneis. Virgil's Æneid, With Engl. Notes By H. Young
Publius, X The Wit and Wisdom of Joseph Biden
Publius, X The Wit and Wisdom of Joseph Biden
Statius, Publius Papinius The Thebaid of Statius
Statius, Publius Papinius The Thebaid of Statius
Statius, Publius Papinius Le Opere Di Publio Papinio Stazio...
Statius, Publius Papinius Le Opere Di Publio Papinio Stazio...
Terentius, Publius The Phormio of Terence, Literally Tr., With Notes, by A. Stewart
Terentius, Publius The Phormio of Terence, Literally Tr., With Notes, by A. Stewart
Maro, Publius Vergilius P. Vergilius Maro, (ed. Mor. Haupt)...
Maro, Publius Vergilius P. Vergilius Maro, (ed. Mor. Haupt)...
Publius bekännelse : början på slutet, E-bok
Publius bekännelse : början på slutet, E-bok
Terentius, Publius Afer Andria
Terentius, Publius Afer Andria
Statius, Publius Papinius The Thebaid of Statius: Translated Into English Verse, With Notes and Observations, and a Dissertation Upon the Whole by Way of Preface; Volume 2
Statius, Publius Papinius The Thebaid of Statius: Translated Into English Verse, With Notes and Observations, and a Dissertation Upon the Whole by Way of Preface; Volume 2
Statius, Publius Papinius The Thebaid of Statius: Translated Into English Verse, With Notes and Observations, and a Dissertation Upon the Whole by Way of Preface; Volume 1
Statius, Publius Papinius The Thebaid of Statius: Translated Into English Verse, With Notes and Observations, and a Dissertation Upon the Whole by Way of Preface; Volume 1
Maro, Publius Vergilius L' Eneide, Volume 1...
Maro, Publius Vergilius L' Eneide, Volume 1...
Terentius, Publius The Phormio of Terence, Literally Tr., With Notes, by A. Stewart
Terentius, Publius The Phormio of Terence, Literally Tr., With Notes, by A. Stewart
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides Et A. Sabini Epistolae: E Burmanni Maxime Recensione Editae
Naso, Publius Ovidius P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides Et A. Sabini Epistolae: E Burmanni Maxime Recensione Editae
The Works Of Publius Vergilius Maro Translated
The Works Of Publius Vergilius Maro Translated
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Heroids, Epistles I.-xiii., Tr. By R. Mongan
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Heroids, Epistles I.-xiii., Tr. By R. Mongan
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Germanicus, Or Extracts From the Annals of Tacitus, With Engl. Notes, &c. by A.H. Beesly
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Germanicus, Or Extracts From the Annals of Tacitus, With Engl. Notes, &c. by A.H. Beesly
Syrus, Publius Sententiae
Syrus, Publius Sententiae
Maro, Publius Vergilius P. Virgilii Maronis Æneis. Virgil's Æneid, With Engl. Notes By H. Young
Maro, Publius Vergilius P. Virgilii Maronis Æneis. Virgil's Æneid, With Engl. Notes By H. Young
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Æneïd of Virgil, With Engl. Notes by C. Anthon, Ed. by J.R. Major
Maro, Publius Vergilius The Æneïd of Virgil, With Engl. Notes by C. Anthon, Ed. by J.R. Major
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Oeuvres completes de Tacite; Avec la traduction en français, publiées sous la direction de M. Nisard
Tacitus, Publius Cornelius Oeuvres completes de Tacite; Avec la traduction en français, publiées sous la direction de M. Nisard
Vergilius Maro, Publius Publii Virgilli Maronis Opera: Locis parallelis
Vergilius Maro, Publius Publii Virgilli Maronis Opera: Locis parallelis
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Tristia, Book 1, Literally Tr. With Notes, By T.j. Arnold
Naso, Publius Ovidius Ovid's Tristia, Book 1, Literally Tr. With Notes, By T.j. Arnold
Maro, Publius Vergilius L' Eneide, Volume 1...
Maro, Publius Vergilius L' Eneide, Volume 1...
Naso, Publius Ovidius Le Metamorfosi Rid. Da G. A. Dell'anguillara...
Naso, Publius Ovidius Le Metamorfosi Rid. Da G. A. Dell'anguillara...