Bursa, Brad Because He Has Spoken to Us: Structures of Proclamation from Rahner to Ratzinger Boulter, Matthew R Repetition and Mythos: Ratzinger's Bonaventure and the Meaning of History Keppeler, Cornelius Theologische Studien / Ratzinger Rahner: Spielarten gegenseitiger Rezeption: 6 Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph The Divine Project: Reflections on Creation and the Church Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph The Spirit of the Liturgy: Fortieth Anniversary Commemorative Edition Neumahr, Uwe Inquisition und Wahrheit: Der Kampf um den reinen Glauben von Peter Abaelard und Bernhard von Clairvaux bis Hans Küng und Joseph Ratzinger Ratzinger, Joseph Verdad, valores, poder: Piedras de toque de la sociedad pluralista Ratzinger, Joseph Ministers of Your Joy