Burnett, Whit 1899-1973 Sextet: Six Story Discoveries in the Novella Form: First Publication of Domhnall O'Conaill, Charles Mohler, Tom Bair, Gilbert Rees, George Moffet, John Eichrodt

Jacqueton, Gilbert Documents relatifs à l'administration financière en France de Charles VII à Francçois 1er (1443-1523

North, Roger The Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, Under King Charles II and King James Ii.: The Hon. Sir Dudley North, ... and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North,

Dod, Charles Roger A Manual Of Dignities, Privilege, And Precedence: Including Lists Of The Great Public Functionaries, From The Revolution To The Present Time

Gilbert, Charles Benajah Poems by Grades: Containing Poems Selected for Each Grade of the School Course, Poems for Each Month

Burnett, Whit 1899-1973 Sextet: Six Story Discoveries in the Novella Form: First Publication of Domhnall O'Conaill, Charles Mohler, Tom Bair, Gilbert Rees, George Moffet, John Eichrodt

Hall, Charles Gilbert The Cincinnati Southern Railway: A History. a Complete and Concise History of the Events Attending the Building and Operation of the Road

Jacqueton, Gilbert Documents relatifs à l'administration financière en France de Charles VII à Francçois 1er (1443-1523

North, Roger The Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, Under King Charles II and King James Ii.: The Hon. Sir Dudley North, ... and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North,

Hall, Charles Gilbert The Cincinnati Southern Railway: A History. a Complete and Concise History of the Events Attending the Building and Operation of the Road

Timbs, John Anecdote Lives Of The Later Wits And Humourists: Canning, Captain Morris, Curran, Coleridge, Lamb, Charles Mathews, Talleyrand, Jerrold, Rogers, ... Leigh Hunt, Father Prout, Etc; Volume 2

Rogers, Charles The Book of Robert Burns: Genealogical and Historical Memoirs of the Poet, His Associates and Those Celebrated in His Writings; Volume 1

de Vindé, Charles Gilbert Terray Morel La Déclaration Des Droits De L'Homme Et Du Citoyen,: Mise À La Portée De Tout Le Monde, & Comparée Avec Les Vrais Principes De Toute Société..